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Contact us
Before contacting us
Thank you for your interest in Sciences Po. Before contacting the Admissions staff below, remember that answers to most questions can be found on our website. Please check our FAQ (undergraduate) and our FAQ (Graduate).
You have a question about admissions?
Only contact the Admissions office if your question is about admissions. Otherwise please contact the relevant office.
Greetings from the Admissions Office ! We look forward to responding to your email and will attempt to do so within approximately 5-7 business days. We invite you not to send multiple emails during this period.
By filling out this form you will help us answer your questions better and more efficiently. Please complete the form as precisely and accurately as possible so we can assist you better. Please let us know your study level, your current academic institution or situation, and the programme or diploma you are interested in.
- Huayin Liu, Sciences Po China Representative
- Neha Khanna, Sciences Po India Representative (New Delhi)
- Cynthia Isimbi, Sciences Po representative in Kenya and South Africa
Other questions?
If you need information on your registration (tuition fees, health insurance, student card...) please contact the Student Services Center through their online contact form.
Discover our summer school programmes by checking our website.
Contacts :
Email : summer.school-at-sciencespo.fr
Phone : +33 (0)1 45 49 55 05
If you need information on your registration, tuition fees, health insurance, student card, scholarships and financial aid, student welfare and support as well as housing and residence permits, please contact the Student Services Center through their online contact form.
Please note that the Student Services Center does not take questions by phone.
You have been admitted to Sciences Po, please check the Students website for information on your next steps, registration, tuition fees, health insurance, orientation programmes and more.
Please contact the International Affairs Office.
If you are a new student and you have trouble accessing your student account, please contact the Helpdesk.
If you need adjustments for your application process, please check the Accessibility page.
Fees & Financial Aid
Limited financial resources are not a barrier to receiving a Sciences Po education.
Nearly one in three students receives a full-fee scholarship.