
Stéphanie Balme

Director of CERI - Research Professor, Sciences Po
Phone: +33145497262 -

Director of CERI, Research Director at Sciences Po, Professor at Sciences Po Paris' School of International Affairs, in charge of the research program "Law, Justice and Society in China" and research associate at the French Ministry of Justice's Think Tank IHEJ (Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice). 
Dean of Sciences Po College (undergraduate studies), Professor at PSIA (Paris School of International Affairs), Research Director at CERI, founding member of ESDI (European Science Diplomacy Initiative), member of the scientific committees of IHEDN (Institut des hautes études de Défense nationale) and EURICS (European Institute of China Studies) as well as vice-president of ECLS (EU-China Law Studies Association).

Formerly in charge of the research program "Law, Justice and Society in China" and research associate at the French Ministry of Justice's Think Tank IHEJ (Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice). Former Visiting Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK, 2003-200§) then at Tsinghua University Law School in Beijing (2006 to 2012), Stéphanie Balme has also taught in New Delhi (Ashoka University), Montréal (UQAM), Vancouver (UBC) and at Columbia University Law School under the Alliance Program Fellowship (2014-15).

Balme has been a consultant for various international organizations such as the World Bank, OECD, IMF or the European Union, a founding member of ECLS (the EU-China Law Studies Association), vice-president of AERJFC (Association pour l’Etude et la Recherche Juridiques Franco-Chinoises), she was a member of the prestigious Fulei Prize and was granted by the French Senate an award in 2014 for her work.
Between 2010 and 2011, S. Balme was the head of Civil Law Initative in Beijing and, from 1996-1998 the China delegate of Médecins du monde's Adoption Department. She has also been appointed at the French Embassy in Beijing as the Attachée for scientific and higher education cooperation (2017-18).

Stéphanie Balme obtained her Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Law and her Ph.D in political science under the supervision of Pr. Guy Hermet. Graduated from Sciences Po Paris, INALCO (Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations), IEP de Bordeaux, the Faculté des Lettres de Bordeaux and Fudan University in Shanghai.
In 1998, she was awarded the Prize of La Chancellerie des Universités de Paris.
In 2015, her book with Antoine Garapon, Daniel Schimmel, Li Bin and Jean-Louis Langlois « Le procès civil en version originale: cultures judiciaires comparées: France, Chine, Etats-Unis (Civil Law Justice in Original Version: Comparing France, the United States and China) » was granted the Montesquieu Prize. Among her latest publications : "Chine, les Visages de la Justice Ordinaire: Entre Faits et droit" (Ordinary Justice in China : Between Facts and Law), Presses de Sciences Po, 2016.

Her research now focuses on China as an emerging scientific power, the concept of “science diplomacy”, EU-US-China relations, EU’s China foreign policy as well as the role of social sciences and humanities in the development of AI.

Work in Progress

Chinese Law and judiciary, China’s governance, Constitutionalism, Rule of Law building process and constitutional justice, Technocratization of public administration, (Post) socialist regimes in Asia, in particular post-Mao China and post-Doi Moi Viêt nam

Research Interests

China, Public administration

Main Publications
Last Publications
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Online Publications (CERI website)
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