Publishing in English

Scientific Coordination

Marie Robin and Hugo Meijer


In May 2019, the CERI and the youth group of the Association pour les études sur la guerre et la stratégie (Association for Studies on War and Strategy) organised a series of seminars on publishing in English intended for young students and researchers in political science and international relations. This initiative was coordinated by Hugo Meijer at the CERI and Marie Robin (Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas University/University of Southern Denmark).

The first meeting was led by Hugo Meijer and focused on the conventions and standards of publishing in English. How, as a francophone researcher, does one publish in an anglophone journal or with an anglophone publishing house? What are the conventions and steps? To answer these questions, consult the notes taken during this first meeting. 

The second meeting, led by Nicolas Blarel (University of Leiden) and Hugo Meijer, focused on “research design”, a crucial aspect of anglophone publications and European projects that often remains obscure to a francophone researcher. What is a research design? How does one structure a proposal that is as explicit and clear as possible? What is meant by dependent and independent variables? To answer these questions, refer to the notes taken during this workshop (p. 5 of the document) or click directly on the supports provided by the two interveners (PowerPoint, Hugo Meijer and Nicolas Blarel).


Publier dans une revue anglophone. Le research design
presentation by Hugo Meijer

Qu’est ce qu’un research design ?
presentation by Nicolas Blarel


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