Critique internationale

Revue comparative de sciences sociales

Critique internationale is a quarterly French-language journal published by Presses de Sciences Po, with the help of the Centre national du livre. A peer-reviewed journal, it has been supported by the Centre de recherches internationales (CERI-Sciences Po/CNRS) since its creation in October 1998.

A comparative social sciences journal, Critique internationale aims to shed light on the social sciences of politics from a comparative and empirical perspective. Articles submitted to the journal must therefore be based upon a detailed knowledge of the area(s) studied, acquired by researchers during localized studies and long-term immersion. At the same time, this approach must be accompanied by a solid grounding in the issue of research in social sciences debates.

The editorial committee is made up of individuals specializing in international issues (including transfer of norms, the transnationalization of collective action and public policy, the role of international organizations and NGOs in numerous crises or in the routine life of the “countries of the South,” and migration) in places (other than France) across all five continents. Anthropologists, sociologists, historians, and political scientists, its members come from various institutions (CNRS, IRD, FNSP, EHESS, universities) and vibrant research centers in both France and further afield, where comparative studies and studies on international issues provide a variety of perspectives on the way in which research is conducted today.

At the same time, Critique internationale continues to place particular focus on supporting young researchers in their first publishing and project coordination endeavors, while also ensuring that work produced by foreign colleagues is published in its pages.

Each quarter, a thematic dossier of five or six articles presents several case studies based on a cross-cutting issue. What makes Critique internationale distinctive is that each time, this dossier deals with far removed geographical and cultural entities. Together with the miscellaneous contributions that are published in each issue’s “Varia” section, these thematic studies provide particularly rich material for social scientific comparison. The “Readings” section offers reviews as well as reports on the state of thematic literature, allowing for an assessment of the research in a given field.

The journal accepts articles in English, Spanish, Russian, and German, and provides authors with feedback on their manuscripts in the language in which they submitted them. These manuscripts are then translated into French. Critique internationale also translates articles originally written in French or another language into English. These articles, as well as the entire collection, are available online on the journal portal

ISSN paper 1290-7839
ISSN electronic 1777-554X


N°103 -Varia

Couverture Critique InternationaleCritique internationale a toujours eu à cœur d’explorer les articulations des échelles du politique. Dans ce numéro sont analysés acteurs et modes d’intermédiation : des « courtiers » qui importent les arguments d’une campagne autochtoniste en Guinée ; des groupes d’autodéfense en République centrafricaine qui imposent leur autorité à l’intersection du local, de l’étatique et de l’international ; des entreprises minières au Chili dont les dispositifs d’ancrage politique local sont façonnés par les normes internationales. De même la médiation, entre modèle voyageur de justice réparatrice et modalité traditionnelle de résolution des conflits, s’est-elle imposée au cœur du répertoire d’action policière Malawi. Les collectifs d’audit citoyen de la dette locale belges, espagnols et français font usage de chiffres pour demander des comptes ; en Inde, des acteurs militants comme gouvernementaux mobilisent une pratique alimentaire, la non-consommation de vache, pour renforcer le sentiment national hindou. Enfin, côté « Coulisses », le Théâtre de l’Opprimé·e, pratique d’éducation populaire, interroge la méthodologie de l’enquête en sciences sociales.

ISBN 978-2-7246-4216-2

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