Christelle Calmels
christelle.calmels@sciencespo.frChristelle Calmels holds a doctorate in political science and international relations. Her doctoral research focused on state influence in international organizations. Having chosen France within the Atlantic Alliance as a case study, she conducted five months of fieldwork in its military delegation to NATO (Brussels). Christelle Calmels was also a visiting doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University (SAIS, Washington) as well as at the University of Montpellier (CEPEL). Since November 2021, she is a project manager at the French Ministry of Defence and an associate research fellow at CERI.
French, English
From reactivity to proactivity: France’s positive agenda for NATO, NATO Briefs Series, N°4/2021.
NATO enlargement to the east: Bucharest nine as a game-changer within the Alliance, NATO: Past and Present, décembre 2020, London, United Kingdom.
NATO’s 360-degree approach to security: alliance cohesion and adaptation after the Crimean crisis, European Security, 2020, Vol.29, n°4, pp.416-435.
La gouvernance de l’océan Arctique à l’aune de la théorie des régimes internationaux, 22 juin 2020.
La France à l’OTAN : un allié influent ?, Diploweb, 29 mars 2020.
Book review: 'Security, Defense Discourse and Identity in NATO and EuropeHow France changed foreign policy', European Review of International Studies, 2019, Vol.6, n°1, pp.125-128.
Les États-Unis et l’Arctique : de l’hibernation à l’engagement, Politique étrangère, 2018/2, pp.145-157.