Pia Bailleul
pia.rennes@gmail.comPia Bailleul's work lies at the crossroads of mining anthropology, Arctic studies and science and technology studies. As part of her PhD in anthropology, defended at the University of Nanterre in 2022, she studied the historical evolution of the legal and social framing of soils and subsoils in Greenland, as well as the associated political issues. Since then, she has specialized in the social and legal construction of mineral resources, and in the relationship between global warming and extractive development in the Arctic.
16 October 2023
Interview with Pia Bailleul, by Miriam Périer
FR: Exploiter l’environnement pour mieux le préserver ? Le cas du Groenland
EN: Environmental exploitation for better preservation? The case of Greenland
French (native); English (fluent); Kalallisut (working skills); Danish (working skills)
Pia Bailleul, « Étude des législations minières groenlandaises (1932-2021) : indépendantisme minier, usages des terres et conflits sociaux », Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, Questions du temps présent, 2021.