Rouba Wehbe
Phone: 0658759877 - rouba.wehbe@sciencespo.frRouba Wehbe, an architect and urban planner, completed a thesis in urban studies at Sciences Po, Paris, in December 2024. Utilizing a political economy framework that integrates property rights studies with rent gap theory, her thesis examined the development and operation of land and housing submarkets in contexts of land tenure marked by compromised or divested property titles. She analyzed the insecure property titles of Palestinian refugees and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Lebanon, as well as the divested public and private properties in central Beirut's districts. As an independent researcher or part of a research team, she contributed to developing working papers and reports addressing topics such as public space, urban stigmatization, urban violence, urban governance, and the historical context of transport infrastructure in Lebanon.
French (fluent); Arabic (mother tongue); English (fluent)
Rouba Wehbe. 2023. More Than a Squat. Les carnets de l’Ifpo.
Wehbe, Rouba. 2021. Être propriétaire et Palestinien au Liban : entre un conflit politique qui perdure et les enjeux d’un marché immobilier excluant. Paris, CAREP.
Wehbe, Rouba. 2019. Politicisation of Land and the Production of Affordable Housing, Khandaq el Ghamiq, Beirut. Legal Agenda (60). (En arabe).
Wehbe, Rouba. 2019. A Bottom-up Perspective of Urban Violence in Beirut. LCPS.
Wehbe, Rouba. 2018. From the Common to the Public, from the Public to the Common: The Socio-Spatial Production of Public Spaces in Taris El-Jdideh Beirut. Nahnoo. Lebanon.