
Thibaut Jaulin

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Thibaut Jaulin is a Research fellow at Sciences Po involved in the MAGYC research project on migration governance and asylum crises. He is also a lecturer at the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po). His research interests include migration and asylum policies in the EU, the Middle East and Africa, particularly the impact of EU policies on Third Countries and the importance of citizenship policies in a transnational context. Previously, he was a Marie Curie fellow at Sciences Po (Arab Overseas Voting project) and was involved in several research projects at the Migration Policy Centre in Florence (CARIM, ACP Observatory on Migration). In addition to his academic activities, he worked as an asylum officer at the French asylum office (OFPRA). He holds a PhD in Political science from the University Paul Cezanne. His publications include peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and research reports, and he has consulted for international organizations and think tanks.

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  • Teaching

    Global Mobility and Migration Governance, Master, PSIA

  • Languages

    French, English, Spanish, Italian, Arabic

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Main Publications

L. Chauvet, F. Gubert, T. Jaulin, S. Mesplé-Somps (dir.) (2017) Migrants, acteurs du changement politique en Afrique ?, Bruxelles : De Boeck.

Jaulin, T. (2016) « Les migrations en Méditerranée : une crise de l’asile », Politique étrangère, 2016/4 (hiver).

Jaulin T. et Smith E. (dir.) (2016), « Les diasporas africaines aux urnes », Afrique contemporaine, n°256.

Jaulin T. (2016) “Geographies of External Voting: The Tunisian Elections Abroad since the Uprising”, Comparative Migration
Studies, 4(14).

Jaulin T. (2015) « ‘C’est bien la loi d’un pays à forte émigration’. Principes de la nationalité et représentations de la nation au Liban », Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM), n°137, p. 155-172.

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