Home>3 Solutions to World Peace From the Paris Peace Forum 2023


3 Solutions to World Peace From the Paris Peace Forum 2023

Sciences Po is one of the founding member of the Paris Peace Forum. The sixth edition of this renown event took place this year at the Palais Brongniart in Paris on 10 and 11 November. The main focus of the 2023 Forum was “Seeking Common Ground in a World of Rivalry”. The four priorities that all actors had on their minds were:

Arancha Gonzalez: Sciences Po contributes to the dialogue about IA and trust with actors like Maria Ressa, Jacinda Ardern, but also civil society."
  • Protecting the Planet and the People
  • Ensuring Trust and Safety in the Digital World
  • Addressing Inequalities and Accelerating SDGs
  • Crafting Peace and Building a Safer World

In this video interview, Arancha Gonzalez, Dean of our Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) underlines three of the solutions “to peace and stability in our worldthat were brought forth during this summit: launching a charter on IA and journalism, supporting bottom up projects, and bringing stakeholders to talk to each other.