Home>Catharine MacKinnon: Thoughts on Prostitution, Pornography & Consent


Catharine MacKinnon: Thoughts on Prostitution, Pornography & Consent

Sciences Po's Cercle des Humanités politiques invited Catharine A. MacKinnon, an internationally renowned American legal scholar and lawyer, to present the latest translation of one of her many books: Le viol redéfini. Vers l'égalité, contre le consentement (Flammarion).

She argues that the concept of consent, presented as both a new regulator of sexual relations between people and a brake on violence, can be an illusion in a world marked by gender inequality. Comparing different jurisprudence (American, French, international), she proposes a definition of rape as a crime of gender inequality.

Catharine MacKinnon coined the concept of “sexual harassment” in American law and played a major role in the recognition of rape as a war crime in international law. Her new work on consent is therefore of fundamental importance.

What's wrong with consent?

Why is the notion of consent not saving women? Can't a “yes” be coerced? What can Gender Studies bring to International Affairs? Watch her views on a concept that is actually 700 years old in this video interview:

What's wrong with pornography and prostitution?

Is pornography the first step towards prostitution? Has France found the legal solution to getting people out of prostitution? Watch her thoughts on those important questions in this video interview: