Home>Sciences Po and Tsinghua University joint forces for climate action


Sciences Po and Tsinghua University joint forces for climate action

On the 17 November, a few days after China and the USA signed a climate agreement, Mr. Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po and Mr. Weihe Xie, vice president of Tsinghua, inked a cooperation agreement for new initiatives in the field of Green Economy.

As a first step of this bilateral cooperation, the two institutions hosted a joint-conference in Beijing on the Green Economy and Energy Transition. Professor Laurence Tubiana from Sciences Po and Professor Jiankun He from Tsinghua shared their insights about cooperation between France and China.

This agreement with Tsinghua University is perfectly aligned with Sciences Po’s commitment to Climate action as part of the Make It Work initiative. This initiative launched by Sciences Po aims at mobilising universities all over the world around the international climate negotiations that will take place in Paris in December 2015.

This agreement also reinforces the links that Sciences Po has established with China over the last decade. Sciences Po inked partnerships with 10 universities in China, created three dual master programmes with Fudan University and Peking University, developed collaborative research programmes, and designed executive training programmes for Chinese civil servants. In China, Sciences Po relies on a delegation set up in Beijing in 2001, and a network of 400 alumni in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Related Links
Dual bachelor’s degrees at Sciences Po
Dual master’s degrees at Sciences Po
Sciences Po’s partner university network

Photo: Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po, and Weihe Xie, vice president of Tsinghua University.
Photo credit: Chang Zhidong