Recrutement - post-doc
Recrutement - post-doc
Actualité Sciences Po
FUTUREPOL - A Political History of the Future: Knowledge Production and Future Governance 1945-2010 -, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through a Starting Investigator Grant awarded to Sciences Po researcher Jenny Andersson, seeks to recruit a postdoctoral researcher.
FUTUREPOL traces attempts to govern the future from the immediate post war period until the present, and is an interdisciplinary project between history, political science and science studies.
FUTUREPOL is in its final stage and is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher on a one year contract, in transnational history, political science, sociology or science and technology studies (STS).
Job profile
The researcher will work in the Centre d’études européennes (CEE) at Sciences Po, part take in project activities including seminars, workshops and conferences as well as develop individual research in the area of interest for Futurepol: for instance, the history of prediction and foresight, global scenario making, anticipatory practices and futures.
To develop individual postdoctoral research, aiming, of at least one high level research article by the end of the contract.
Qualifications/Skills required
- PhD finished and defended by September 1st 2015
- Ability to write academic English
- High level of scientific independence and originality including an interest in Futurepol research
- Special competence in one or several of the following, the history of science or STS-studies, political science or sociology, international relations or transnational history, political history
- Full time fixed-term contract for 12 months (starting on September 1st, 2015)
- Possibility to teach at Sciences Po
Recruitment procedure
A complete CV including a full list of publications, a research plan, and a letter specifying the interest of the candidate in the project should be sent before May 15, 2015. The decision will be made no later than June 15th, 2015.
Applications should be sent to
To know more about the project: /futurepol/en/content/research