A matter of reciprocity: does increasing recognition for ‘those who work’ decrease support for blaming welfare recipients? (RECIPROC)

A project led by LIEPP's Evaluation of democracy and Socio-fiscal policies research groups  Project holder:  Jan Rovny (CEE, Sciences Po) Research team: Paulus Wagner (SPS, EUI / CEE, LIEPP, Sciences Po) Georgios Georgakis (Department of Communication, University of Vienna / CEE, Sciences Po)...

La gouvernance urbaine face à la participation citoyenne : Etude de la trajectoire organisationnelle d’une innovation institutionnelle - Cas de la Coordination Nationale des Conseils de Développement (Traj-Inno-Démoc)

Project holder:  Rachida LARINOUNA (LADYSS, Université Paris Cité) Project description: In a context of crises, the territory is characterized by the emergence of self-organized or institutionalized consultation and cooperation structures. The research project undertaken focuses on institutionalized citizen engagement and...

Shocking Belief Systems (SBS)

Project holder:  Eugenio Verrina (Département d'économie, Sciences Po) Research team:   Arno Apffelstaedt (Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne) Project description:  In this project, we start from the idea that political identities generate systems of...

The mechanics and determinants of anti-science attitudes : a literature review

Project holder:  Yasmine TUFFY (IRIS, EHESS) Research team:  Emiliano GROSSMAN (CEE, LIEPP) Cyrille THIEBAUT (CEVIPOF, LIEPP) Project description:  This project, initiated by the Axis as part of the redeployment with Université de Paris, aims to explore, summarise and discuss the existing literature that provides insight into...

How Congressional Committee System Reform Affects Issue Attention

LIEPP's Evaluation of democracy research group is pleased to convene the seminar: How Congressional Committee System Reform Affects Issue Attention May 17th. 5pm- 6:30pm Location: Salle du LIEPP. Sciences Po. 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris.  Mandatory registration Speaker:  Sean Theriault ( University of Texas at Austin )...

Déterminants Sociaux des Décisions de Justice Pénale (SoDeJuPe)

Project holders:  Roberto Galbiati ( CNRS,Sciences Po) Aurélie Ouss ( University of Pennsylvania) Research team :  Thomas Leonard (ENPJJ) Phillippe Arnaud (University of Bristol) Project description :  How do juror characteristics influence criminal verdicts? We are proposing an interdisciplinary project to make...

La déontologie parlementaire : usages et effets d’un nouveau régime de probité (PolEthics)

Project holders :  Colin Hay (Sciences Po)  Sofia Wickberg (University of Amsterdam) Research team :  Eric Phélippeau (Université Paris Nanterre) Sébastien Michon (CNRS, Université de Strasbourg)  Eric Buge (Conseil d'Etat)  Project Description :  The PolEthics project aims to evaluate the French Parliament’s...

Understanding the visible representation gaps in democratic parliaments

  On the occasion of the French legislative elections of June, the team at LIEPP (Sciences Po) discuss with Laura Morales (Professor of Comparative Politics at Sciences Po) and Claire Vincent-Mory (Post-doctoral researcher at LIEPP) how the project "Inclusive Democracies? Conceptualising and Measuring the Descriptive and Substantive Political...

Fake news, complotisme, idéologie des chaînes d'information : pour une approche pluridisciplinaire des médias

L'axe Évaluation de la démocratie du LIEPP et le Médialab (Sciences Po) ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la journée d'études :  Fake news, complotisme, idéologie des chaînes d'information: pour une approche pluridisciplinaire des médias  Lundi 7 juin 2021, 14h00-18h00  L'événement pourra être suivi en présentiel (amphithéâtre...

Is Journalistic Truth Dead? Measuring How Informed Voters Are about Political News

4th June, 12h30-13h30  Online seminar co-organized with the Department of Economics (Sciences Po)  Mandatory registration Speakers:  Andrea PRAT is the Richard Paul Richman Professor of Business at Columbia Business School and Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, Columbia University . He is editor-in-chief of the...
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