Appropriate use of Caesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers in low and middle-income countries ( QUALI DEC)

Project holder:  Alexandre DUMONT (CEPED, Université Paris Cité) Research team:  Myriam DE LOENZIEN  (CEPED, IRD, Université Paris Cité) Marion RAVIT  (CEPED, IRD, Université Paris Cité) Camille ETCHEVERRY (CEPED, IRD, Université Paris Cité) Truc Phuong NGUYEN (CEPED, IRD, Université Paris Cité) Isabella RAMOS MENDOZA (CEPED...

After Opium: the braided meanings of drug addiction and recovery in colonial Vietnam

LIEPP's Health Policies research group is pleased to convene the seminar:  After Opium: the braided meanings of drug addiction and recovery in colonial Vietnam April 23rd. 5pm-6pm. Sciences Po. Salle du LIEPP. 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin. 75007 Paris.  Mandatory registration to participate in person.  Mandatory registration to...

Addressing Doctor Shortages in Rural Areas An Evaluation of Practice Location Restriction in Germany

Project holder : Quentin Schnapper (postdocoral fellow, LIEPP) Project description :  For over two decades, the issue of ‘medical deserts’ has sparked intense debate in France regarding the most effective methods to attract general practitioners to rural and remote areas. This conflict primarily pits proponents of financial incentives,...

Évaluation d’une expérimentation d’un dispositif de repérage des usagers fréquents des urgences, portée par l’ARS Grand Est

Research team:  Henri Bergeron  Anne Moyal  Project description:  The Agence régionale de santé Grand Est is currently trialling a system for identifying frequent users of emergency departments (DAUM, Dispositif d'Accompagnement des Usagers Multiples des urgences), in partnership with the Nancy CHRU and the DAC (dispositif...

The Welfare Workforce: Trade Unions and Mental Health Care in France

LIEPP's Health Policies research group is pleased to convene the seminar:  The Welfare Workforce: Trade Unions and Mental Health Care in France June 9th. 2pm-4pm. Location : Salle 102. Sciences Po. 56, rue des Saints Pères (access via 27, rue Saint Guillaume), 75007 Paris.  Mandatory registration to participate in person Mandatory...

The Value of Informal Care in Europe

LIEPP's Health Policies research group is pleased to convene the seminar :  The Value of Informal Care in Europe April 21st. 12:30- 2pm Location : Salle du LIEPP. Sciences Po, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris. Mandatory registration Speaker :  Joan Costa-Font (London School of Economics and Political Science) Abstract : ...

Organiser des dispositifs d’Activité Physique sur Prescription (OrgAPP). Tensions politiques et configurations professionnelles dans la mise en œuvre de l’action publique locale en matière de « sport-santé ».

Project holders :  Etienne Nouguez (CSO, CNRS)  Flavien Bouttet (Université de Lorraine) Research team :  Julie Thomas (Centre Max Weber)  Yannick Le henaff (CERMES 3) Camille Boubal (CSO)  Mélanie Lepori (Université de Strasbourg,SAGE) Romaine Didierjean (Université de Nîmes) Project description :  The...

Cancer prevention and screening (Prev-Cancers)

Full title:  Cancer prevention and screening: an international comparison of practices (Prev-Cancers) Project holders:  Elisa CHELLE (Université Paris Nanterre, LIEPP)  Research team: Enguerrand DEZERCES (LIEPP) Project description:  France stands far below the European objectives for cancer prevention. The reduction of...

Le conseil en santé publique : un marché en temps de pandémie?

Full title:  Le conseil en santé publique : un marché en temps de pandémie ? Une revue de la littérature empirique. Project holders:  Valéry RIDDE (CEPED, IRD, Université de Paris)  Fanny CHABROL (CEPED, IRD, Université de Paris)  Research team:  Lara GAUTIER (ESPUM, Université de Montréal, CEPED, IRD, Université de...
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