Redistributive Impact of the Socio-Fiscal Models of Social Welfare: An International Comparative Analysis

LIEPP works with the ‘Ecole Nationale Supérieur de Sécurité Sociale’ (EN3S) on a project entitled: “Redistributive Impact of the Socio-Fiscal Models of Social Welfare: An International Comparative Analysis". This project, led by Michaël Zemmour, is based on empirical data to analyze the contribution of the tax system structure, the shape and the...

Workshop On Crime Control Policies

Team: Roberto Galbiati (CNRS and Sciences Po Paris), Philip Cook (Duke University) and Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago) Building on the international and interdisciplinary experience of the organizers in topics related to crime control and social policies, the workshop will have a focus on the potential of public policy and in particular on...

Socio-fiscal policies and domestic work

Research team: Nathalie Morel (Assistant professor CEE/LIEPP). Co-director of the Social-policies research team Clément Carbonnier (Maître de conférences in economy. University of Cergy). Co-director of the Social-policies research team Among social and fiscal expenditures, those related to the hiring of a domestic employee are among the...

Evaluating the effect of fiscal and social exonerations policies on employment and social protection

Research team: Michael Zemmour (CNRS-Université Lille 1) This project seeks to put forth the elements allowing for a global evaluation of fiscal and social exoneration policies in France. The aim is to look at the way these policies affect employment and social protection. This research project primarily covers the state of existing literature,...
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