Cycle of seminars : Methods and approaches in evaluation (METHEVAL)

  Accès direct au programme des séances   Presentation of the seminar cycle  The series of seminars "Methods and Approaches in Evaluation" (METHEVAL) aims to deepen the reflection on methods and approaches in public policy evaluation from an interdisciplinary point of view open to the diversity of perspectives. The aim is both to...

Methodological ressources for literature reviews

 LIEPP promotes interdisciplinary literature reviews as a tool for public policy evaluation. Several sessions of its METHEVAL seminar have been devoted to this issue, and a section of its calls for projects is dedicated to funding interdisciplinary literature reviews. This page aims to bring together and make accessible methodological...

Contributions to the reflection on Evaluation of public policies

LIEPP contributes to the reflection on the evaluation of public policies:  Interventions :  Interview with Charlotte Halpern published by Acteurs Publics "L’évaluation des politiques de transition doit être davantage processuelle et qualitative" (21 novembre 2023) External validity in program evaluation, seminar organized with...

Experimental methods in social stratification research

LIEPP is happy to invite you to attend it's ‘Experimental methods in social stratification research’ workshop on September 26th and et 27th LIEPP - 254, boulevard Saint Germain Register here (per session)   Program September 26th 14.00-14.30: WELCOME 14.30-17.00: INEQUALITIES IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION  - C. Barone,...

LIEPP Methodological Seminar

 [language: English] The Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP) proposes a new initiative: a series of brown bag seminars to discuss methodological issues in an interdisciplinary setting. We seek researchers and doctoral students happy to present and discuss a working paper presenting and discussing substantive...

Atelier de méthodes de Sciences Po

 LIEPP is happu to host Sciences Po's Methods Workshop, METAT, for it's second session of the year: February 12th from 14:30 to 17:30 salle du LIEPP (254, boulevard Saint Germain) Mandatory registration here METAT is a support workshop in research methods in Social Sciences: every month, three hours of reflection, practice and training around...

Call for Paper

  The Laboratory for interdisciplinary evaluation of public policies (LIEPP) proposes a new initiative: a series of brown bag seminars to discuss methodological issues in an interdisciplinary setting. We seek researchers and doctoral students happy to present and discuss a working paper presenting and discussing substantive methodological...
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