Urban and school segregation of children

Project holder: 

Project description: 

Is school segregation systematically stronger than urban segregation in French cities? Are these two types of segregation converging in the 15 largest French urban units between between 2007 and 2019? What are the issues in terms of public policy issues? The study of the segregation of children aged 11 to 14 in their school and residential environment, and its evolution between 2007 and 2019 in the 15 largest French urban units, will provide an initial overview of the situation in France, and contribute to an approach to the joint study of social contexts. This project will make unprecedented use of census data, taking children as the unit of analysis and cross-referencing it with data from the French Ministry of Education. By comparing the local specificities of the school and housing markets in 15 urban units, this project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of residential segregation in school segregation and its effects, and conversely, of the role of school options in residential segregation. Finally, the longitudinal nature of the study, by comparingthe dynamics of these two phenomena and their convergent or divergent trends over 12 years in multiple urban contexts, will provide a better understanding of the interweaving of school choices and the residential choices of households with children.

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