Marta Dominguez-Folgueras
Marta Dominguez-Folgueras
Tél : 01 45 49 54 33 - bureau/office : B.213
Habilitée à diriger des thèses
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Thématiques de recherche - Research Interests
Marta Dominguez-Folgueras a rejoint l’OSC/CRIS en tant qu’Associate professor en sociologie le 1er janvier 2013.
Son travail relève de la sociologie de la famille, de la sociologie de l’emploi du temps, et de la sociologie du genre. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur la formation de couples et sur les comportements au sein de la famille, en particulier sur la division des tâches domestiques et de l’attention aux enfants, avec un intérêt particulier sur les inégalités du genre.
As of January 1st, 2013, Marta Dominguez-Folgueras has officially joined the Centre for Studies in Social Change / Center for Research on social InequalitieS as an Associate Professor of Sociology. In 2007, she completed her thesis, Why Marry? A comparative Study of Union Formation in Spain, Germany and France, under the direction of Richard Breen and Teresa Castro-Martin at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Her work focuses on the sociology of family and gender and she contributes to Trans Parent, a European research program which studies the division of domestic duties among couples.
Marta Dominguez-Folgueras also teaches first and second year courses at Sciences Po, including the Introduction to Sociology and the Sociology of Family.
Dernières publications - Latest Publications
- 2024, "Gender Ideologies in Spain: A Latent Class Approach", Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (REIS), n° 189, p. 23-42. [Open Access]
- 2024 (sous la dir. de Marie-Clémence Le Pape, avec Hélène Guedj, Ariane Pailhé, Alix Sponton, Bérangère Véron et Pauline Virot), « Paternité : organisation des temps professionnels et familiaux deux ans après la naissance d'un enfant », Les dossiers de la DRESS, n° 126, 76 p.
- 2022 (with Marta Pasqualini, Olivier Godechot, Ettore Recchi, Emanuele Ferragina & Mirna Safi), "Who took care of what? The gender division of unpaid work during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in France", Demographic Research, vol. 46, art. 34, p. 1007-1036. [Open Access]
- 2022, "It's about gender: A critical review of the literature on the domestic division of work", Journal of Family Theory Review, vol. 14, n° 1, p. 79-96.
- 2022 (with M José González & Irene Lapuerta), "The Motherhood Penalty in Spain: The Effect of Full- and Part-Time Parental Leave on Women’s Earnings", Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, vol. 29, Spring 2022, p. 164-189.
- 2022, "Unemployment and domestic work in Spain: did the 2007 economic crisis affect gender equality in the household?", Journal of Family Studies, vol. 28, n° 4, p. 1527-1542. Published Online 9 November 2020.
- 2021, "Difficult Times: The Division of Domestic Work under Lockdown in France", Social Sciences, vol. 10, n° 6, 219.
- 2020, « Suivre (ou non) les recommandations sur l'allaitement : récits de mères espagnoles », Lien social et Politiques, n° 85, p. 152-170.
- 2020 (avec Anne Boring, Réjane Sénac, Marie Mercat-Bruns et Hélène Périvier), « La crise sanitaire et les inégalités entre les sexes en France », In: Marc Lazar, Guillaume Plantin, Xavier Ragot (dir.), Le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les sciences sociales au temps de la Covid, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 117-131.
- 2019 (with Iñigo Fernández Iturrate), "Domestic divisions of work and couple dissolution in the UK", Irish Journal of Sociology, vol. 27, n° 1, p. 44-61. First published November 4, 2018.
- 2018 (avec Laurent Lesnard), « Familles et changement social », L'Année sociologique, 2018/2, vol. 68, p. 295-314.
- 2018, « Responsabilités familiales et domestiques », In: Patrick Savidan, Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale, PUF.
- 2018 (with Teresa Jurado-Guerrero and Carmen Botia-Morillas), "Against the Odds? Keeping a Nontraditional Division of Domestic Work After First Parenthood in Spain", Journal of Family Issues, vol. 39, n° 7, p. 1855-1879. Online 9 september 2017.
- 2017 (with T. Jurado, C. Botia and P. Amigot), "The house belongs to both’: undoing the gendered division of housework", Community, Work, and Family, vol. 20, n° 4, published online 8 June 2016.
- 2015, "Parenthood and Domestic Division of Labour in Spain, 2002-2010", Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, n° 149, p. 45-62.
- 2013 (avec María José GONZÁLES, Francesca LUPPI), “Expectativas de los hombres ante la paternidad en España”, In: Gøsta ESPING ANDERSEN, El déficit de natalidad en Europa. La singularidad del caso español, La Caixa coll. Estudios Sociales, n° 36, p. 149-176.
- 2014 (with Pau BAIZAN and Maria José GONZALES), “Couple bargaining or socio-economic status? Why some parents spend more time with their children than others”, European Societies, vol. 16, n° 1, published online December 3, 2013.
- 2013, "Cohabitation in Spain: No longer a marginal path to family formation", Journal of Marriage and Family, vol. 75, n° 2, p. 422-437.
- 2013, "Is cohabitation more egalitarian? The Division of household labor in five European countries", Journal of Family Issues, vol. 34, n° 12, first published November 16, 2012.
Enseignements - Teaching
- Sociology of family (Collège universitaire)
- Approches sociologiques du genre (Collège universitaire)
Direction de thèses - PhD Students
Ida Gaede, Migrant Mothers: the Role of Citizenship and Migration in Post-Birth Employment Trajectories in Germany and France
Clara Le Gallic-Ach, Déclarer des violences de genre en France depuis #Metoo