Olivier Godechot
Olivier Godechot - CRIS (Photo Silvia Pourquié, CNRS)
contact : olivier.godechot(at)sciencespo.fr
Habilité à diriger des thèses
CV de Olivier Godechot - Link to AxPo Observatory of Market Society Polarization
Olivier Godechot a reçu la médaille de bronze 2013 du CNRS pour ses travaux sur la rationalité dans les salles de marché et la contribution des activités financières à la hausse des inégalités.
Olivier Godechot received the médaille de bronze du CNRS in 2013 for his work on rationality in financial markets and the contribution of finance to the increase in inequalities.
Olivier Godechot is also Director of the AxPo Observatory of Market Society Polarization
Thèmes de recherche - Research Interests
Olivier Godechot consacre ses recherches actuelles à la ségrégation au travail, au séparatisme des élites (en particulier à travers l'étude du phénomène des départs en équipe) et plus généralement à la dynamique inégalitaire du marché du travail. Auparavant, il a étudié la financiarisation des sociétés modernes et son effet sur l'accroissement des inégalités, les mécanismes de rémunération dans le secteur de l'industrie financière ainsi que la division du travail et les rationalités à l’œuvre dans les salles de marché. Il a consacré en parallèle des travaux sur le monde académique et l'impact des réseaux socio-intellectuels sur les recrutements à l'université.
Olivier Godechot's current research focuses on workplace segregation, elite separatism (in particular through the study of the phenomenon of team moves) and, more generally, on the unequal dynamics of the labor market. Previously, he studied the financialization of modern societies and its impact on the increase in inequality, the mechanisms of compensation in the financial industry, as well as the division of labor and the rationalities at work in trading rooms. In parallel, he has studied the academic world and the impact of socio-intellectual networks on faculty recruitment.
Principales publications - Main Publications
- 2024 (with Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, István Boza, Lasse Henrikse, Mirna Safi et al.), "The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in Advanced Capitalist Economies", American Journal of Sociology, vol. 130, n° 2.
- 2023 (with Matthew Soener and Mirna Safi), "Who Benefits from Migrant and Female Labor? Connecting Wages to Demographic Changes in French Workplaces, Sociological Forum, vol. 38, n° 4, p. 1198-1219. [Open Access]
- 2023 (with Andrew M. Penner, Mirna Safi et al.), "Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries", Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 7, n° 2, p. 184-189.
- 2023 (avec l'équipe COIN), « Des lieux de travail de plus en plus ségrégués », In: Collectif, Que sait-on du travail ?, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 239-248.
- 2023 (with Nils Neumann, Paula Apascaritei, István Boza, Martin Hallsten, Lasse Henriksen, Are Hermansen, Feng Hou, Jiwook Jung, Naomi Kodama, Alena Křížková, Zoltán Lippényi, Marta M Elvira, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Halil Sabanci, Matthew Soener, Max Thaning), "Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality", Socio-Economic Review, vol. 21, n° 3.
- 2022 (with Joanne Horton, Yuval Millo), "Executive Pay: Board Reciprocity Counts", European Journal of Sociology, vol. 63, n° 2, p. 165-211. European Academy of Sociology Distinguished Publication Prize 2023.
- 2022 (with Marta Pasqualini, Marta Dominguez Folgueras, Ettore Recchi, Emanuele Ferragina & Mirna Safi), "Who took care of what? The gender division of unpaid work during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in France", Demographic Research, vol. 46, art. 34, p. 1007-1036. [open access]
- 2022 (with Andrew Penner et al.), "Within-Job Gender Pay Inequality in 15 Countries", OSC Papers, n°2022-3.
- 2022 (avec Nicolas Woloszko), « Villes globales et inégalités : mondialisation ou financiarisation ? », Cités, 2022/1, n° 89, p. 67-86. Disponible sur le portail Cairn ou LIS Working Paper Series (preprint), n° 819, Novembre 2021.
- 2021 (with Nils Neumann, Paula Apascaritei et al.), "Ups and Downs in Finance, Ups without Downs in Inequality", Maxpo discussion paper, n° 21/2, november.
- 2021 (with Mirna Safi & Matthew Soener), "The Intersection of Organizational Inequalities. How Gender, Migrant Status, and Class Inequality Relate to Each Other in French workplaces", OSC Papers, n° 2021-1, 28 p.
- 2020 (avec Mirna Safi, Philippe Coulangeon, Emanuele Ferragina, Emily Helmeid, Stefan Pauly, Ettore Recchi, Nicolas Sauger, Jen Schradie, Katharina Tittel et Andrew Zola), « La France confinée. Anciennes et nouvelles inégalités », In: Marc Lazar, Guillaume Plantin et Xavier Ragot (dir.), Le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les sciences sociales au temps de la Covid-19, Presses de Sciences Po, p. 95-116.
- 2020 (with E. Recchi, E. Ferragina, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, M. Safi, N. Sauger, J. Schradie, K. Tittel, A. Zola), "Living through Lockdown: Social Inequalities and Transformations during the COVID-19 Crisis in France", OSC Papers, 2020-1, July.
- 2020 (with Alexis Baudour, Mirna Safi, Matthew Soener et al.), "The Great Separation. Top Earner Segregation at Work in High-Income Countries", Maxpo discussion paper, n° 20/3, June.
- 2020 (with M. Safi (coord.), P. Coulangeon, E. Ferragina, E. Helmeid, S. Pauly, E. Recchi, N. Sauger, J. Schradie), "When life revolves around the home: Work and sociability during the lockdown", Coping with Covid-19, Social distancing, cohesion and inequality in 2020 France, Policy brief n° 3, 22 May.
[French version] « La vie entre quatre murs : travail et sociabilité en temps de confinement », Faire face au Covid-19. Distanciation sociale, cohésion et inégalité dans la France de 2020, Policy brief n° 3, 22 mai. - 2020 (with Donald Tomaskovic-Devey et al.), "Rising between-workplace inequalities in high-income countries", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 117, n° 17,
- 2020, "Financialization and the Increase in Inequality", In: Philip Mader, Daniel Mertens, Natascha van der Zwan, International Handbook of Financialization, Routledge, London. Preprint
- 2020, "The Great Reaper: The Unique Equalizer? - Walter Scheidel, The Great Leveler. Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century (Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2017)", European Journal of Sociology, vol. 60, n° 3, p. 510-516. Preprint
- 2019 (with Zinaida Salibekyan), "Should We Clash or Should I Go? The Impact of Low Wage and Poor Working Conditions on the Exit-Voice Trade-off", Labour, vol. 33, n° 4, p. 425-449. Preprint
- 2019 (with Joanne Horton and Yuval Millo), "Structural Exchange Pays Off. Reciprocity in Boards and Executive Compensations in US Firms (1990–2015)", Maxpo discussion paper, n° 2019/1, Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies, Paris.
- 2019, "Conclusion: What finance manufactures", In: Isabelle Chambost, Marc Lenglet & Yamina Tadjeddine, The making of finance: Perspectives from the Social Sciences, Routledge, p. 270-282. Preprint
- 2019 (with Valérie Boussard & Nicolas Woloszko), "How to make a deal : The role of rankings and personal ties in creating trust in the mergers and acquisitions market", Socio-Economic Review, vol. 17, n° 2, p. 311-336. Published online December 20, 2017. Preprint
- 2018 (with Jenny Andersson), "Destabilizing Orders – Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism", MaxPo Discussion Paper, n° 18/1, 118 p.
- 2017 (coord. with Julia Cage, contrib.Etienne Fize & Maria Camila Porras), Who Owns the Media? : The Media Independence Project, LIEPP & Reporters sans Frontières, 136 p. [Online]
- 2016, Wages, Bonuses and Appropriation of Profit in the Financial Industry - The Working Rich, Routledge, International Studies in Money and Banking Serie, 244 p.
- 2016, "The chance of influence: A natural experiment on the role of social capital in faculty recruitment", Social Networks, vol. 46, July, p. 60-75.
- 2015 (with Claudia Senik), "Wage comparisons in and out of the firm. Evidence from a matched employer–employee French database", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 117, September, p. 394-410.
- 2014 (avec Christian Baudelot, Damien Cartron, Jérôme Gautié, Michel Gollac et Claudia Senik), Bien ou mal payés ? Les travailleurs du public et du privé jugent leurs salaires, Paris, Ed. ENS Rue d'Ulm, col. Opuscule du CEPREMAP, n° 35.
- 2014, « Le salaire dépend-il du sexe du supérieur ? », Économie et statistique, n° 464-465-466, p. 73-96.
- 2013, « Financiarisation et fractures socio-spatiales », L’ année sociologique, vol. 63, n° 1, p. 17-50.
- 2012, “Is finance responsible for the rise in wage inequality in France?”, Socio-Economic Review, vol. 10, n° 3, p. 447-470. Preprint
- 2008, "'Hold-up' in finance: the conditions of possibility for high bonuses in the financial industry", Revue française de sociologie,vol. 49, Supplement Annual English Edition, p. 95-123.