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Health Centre's Workshops: Care and Health
Sciences Po offers a wide range of tools and resources to support student wellbeing. Among these are workshops designed to help students with self-development, stress release and stress management, through practices such as meditation, self-massage and creative expression.
Nancy Campus
Full information regarding the registration process will be communicated by email at the start of the semester.
The aim of this workshop is to create a soothing space for rejuvenation. A place of calm, where participants can disconnect from the noise and take a break from action in order to return to themselves. Regaining awareness of their bodies, letting sensations in, existing. Understanding the play of their emotions, senses and behaviours, so as to free themselves of tensions, both psychological and physical. Optimising energy sources to live in the present and arrive at self-fulfilment.
Course led by Sylvie Humbert.
Reims Campus
Full information regarding the registration process will be communicated by email at the start of the semester.
The aim of this workshop is to create a soothing space for rejuvenation. A place of calm, where participants can disconnect from the noise and take a break from action in order to return to themselves. Regaining awareness of their bodies, letting sensations in, existing. Understanding the play of their emotions, senses and behaviours, so as to free themselves of tensions, both psychological and physical. Optimising energy sources to live in the present and arrive at self-fulfilment.
Course led by Sylvie Humbert.
Integrative Sophrology involves journeying back to the self: the practice centres on achieving self-knowledge and gaining awareness of our energies and resources. Building on oriental techniques, the method sits at the crossroads of western relaxation and eastern meditation. It unites sophrology, sophro-relaxation, positive visualisation and the Dynamic Sophrology approach. In combining techniques focusing on relaxation, breathing, positive visualisation and positive mental attitude, Integrative Sophrology allows for the harmonious development of our physical and psychic capacities, such as concentration and stress management.
Course led by Tiphaine Lelaire.
This workshop aims to provide students with a space for “being” in the present through rhythm and movement. Students are invited to reconnect with their bodies and with themselves by focusing their attentions on their sensory, bodily and emotional sensations. The aim is to help participants towards a realisation of their own resources and to regain confidence in themselves. By responding to the body’s infra-verbal messages, participants will learn to identify their needs and emotions and arrive at a better understanding of themselves.
Course led by Marine Dubois.
The settings and rhythm of modern working life make it increasingly difficult to stand and sit up straight. We tend to lapse into hunched or decentred positions, with lazy breathing, which have as negative an impact on our health as our voices. Being more aware of our bodies and the interaction between our vertical position, our breathing and our voice can allow us to free ourselves of tensions and feel and communicate better. Drawing inspiration from the principal somatic techniques, this class is aimed at students who wish to acquire the keys to improving their relationships with themselves and others, their physical endurance and their communication skills. It is the perfect dynamic and energising class to start the day.
Course led by Adil Laboudi in English.
Paris campus
Therapeutic workshops are offered during the year by psychologists (relaxation, self-affirmation and emotion management, etc.). Contact the health center to find out how to register.
Discussion groups on specific themes are also offered on an occasional basis.
In an Emergency
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- Dial 15 for the SAMU (French emergency medical services)
- Dial 18 for your nearest fire station, which also administers first aid
- Dial 3624 for SOS médecin, a round-the-clock house visit service (calls cost 12 c/minute)
- Dial 3114 for any advice or emergency about Suicide
- Duty chemist/night pharmacies in Île de France (FR) or around France (FR)
- All hospitals have emergency services (FR)