Home>One-Year Master's>Admission to a One-Year Master's Programme: admission criteria
Admission to a One-Year Master's Programme: admission criteria
Admission to a One-Year Master's programme is based on several criteria. We first assess the academic and professional background required for admission to the requested programme. If our prerequisites are met, we then study the coherence between the applicant's profile and the programme's curriculum.
The academic and professional background as well as the results obtained are essential factors in the selection process.
Sciences Po requires a minimum undergraduate average grade. If the country of your undergraduate diploma is not on the list, please contact us.
You will be asked to provide a grade average for each of your previous university level studies.
Please note that meeting the minimum grade average does not guarantee an offer of admission as other elements in the application are also taken into account. On a very exceptional basis, it is also possible to offer admission to an applicant who has a slightly lower average but whose application includes professional assets which might compensate.
On the contrary, an excellent academic average that is not supported by any other element enhancing the profile could make for a weaker application. Please provide proof from your university stating your undergraduate average and, if applicable, your Master's degree. You will need to enter the exact average for each part of your higher education.
It is important that you express a precise idea of the professional field (or even position) that you are aiming for, and that you state clearly what aspects of your personality or background have led you to make this choice.
The fit between the applicant's career plans and the training sought is evaluated in order to ensure that the prospective student stands to gain the most from it. We try to establish whether the applicant has sufficiently sought to inform him/herself about the programme that s/he has chosen and whether s/he is able to state his/her reasons for choosing the programme convincingly.
If you are aiming for a career change, it is essential to clearly express your motivations.
References are mandatory and carry a lot of weight in the assessment of your application.
The choice of referees is essential. We suggest you contact them before starting your application.
Activities that demonstrate leadership capacity and overall responsibility are appreciated. Any personal experience attesting open-mindedness, curiosity or leadership is an asset (sports, arts, charity, etc.).
Read our web page dedicated to unsuccessful applications, it will help you understand the mistakes you should avoid, and therefore what is expected.
Information Sessions: Masters

Find out more about the Masters programs and the wide choice of specialisations offered by the 7 Schools of Sciences Po during our webinars dedicated to applicants.