Home>Parallel sessions 5

Parallel sessions 5

Wednesday, July 10, 16:45 - 18:30


Room K.011, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  1. Antonio Raciti - Post-Growth as a Process? Building Housing Movements toward Diverse Housing Planning: Lessons from Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA
  2. Christian Lamker - Sustainability Struggles in Land-Use Planning from a Post-Growth Planning Perspective: Critical Junctures towards Net Zero
  3. Besmira Dyca - Closing the accountability gap: Benchmarking Companies for Sustainable Urban Land Management
  4. Ondřej Slach - De-growth approaches in a pro-growth-oriented shrinking city. An oxymoron or inevitable future path?
  5. Wei Wei - From Howard’s Garden City Movement to Zero-Carbon New Towns in the postgrowth era: The case of new town development in the context of carbon neutrality of Shanghai
  6. Geert Te Boveldt: Towards A Method For Infrastructure Decision Making From A Post-Growth Perspective

Room K.031, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  1. Selim Banabak: Tracing Rental Housing Financialization - A Spatio-Temporal Approach
  2. Champaka Rajagopal: Towards A Framework Of ‘Augmented Entrepreneurialism’: Investigating The State’S Divergent Responses To Businesses In Public Private Partnership Projects In The Transport Sector In India
  3. Kevin Poisson: Navigating Urban Peripheries: The Governance Challenges Of High-Risk Real Estate Investments In France
  4. Carlo Salone et al.: The Financialization Of Logistics Real Estate In The Italian Hinterland. Unpacking The New Logistics Regime Behind Assetized Warehouses
  5. Emanuele Garda: Public-private dialogue in the cultural reuse of historical and architectural heritage: the example of the Carmine Monastery in Italy

Room 12, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris 

  1. Thomas Aguilera, Francesca Artioli, Claire Colomb: Digital Platforms As Game Changers In Urban Planning And Governance? The Contentious Regulation Of Short-Term Rentals In European Cities And Its Judicialization
  2. Lina Irscheid: AI At The Crossroads Of Climate Adaptation: Navigating Legal, Technical, And Ethical Challenges In Municipal Planning
  3. Juliette Maulat: How Land-Based Financing Tools Are Reshaping Land Acquisition Practices In The Expansion Of Public Infrastructure: The Case Of The Grand Paris Express
  4. Ani Landau-Ward: Grappling With Global Land Administration’s Technologies: From The ‘Stuff Of Bits’ To Sites Of Jurisdictional Encounter

Room Jean Moulin, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

  1. Maya El Khawand: Mobility Dependency Of Women In Peri Urban Region: The Case Of Creil And La Roche-Sur-Foron
  2. Kandice Fults: Exploring Independent Mobility Disparities For Belgian Adolescents: Gender Differences In Autonomy And Daily Travel
  3. Kim Carlotta Von Schönfeld: Stepping Out Of The Box Of ‘Sustainable Mobility’ Into An Interconnected, Otherwise Mobile World. Seeking A New Methodology For The Future Of Mobility Planning
  4. Alain L'Hostis: Roadmap Towards A New European Culture Of Mobility
  5. Stefanie Ruf: (Not) Getting There: Visions For Future Mobility And The Lack Of Clear Transformation Pathways
  6. Jonne Silonsaari: Action Research For Mobility Commoning: Theoretical-Methodological Insights From Amsterdam
  7. Deike Peters: From ‘Which Nature’ To ‘Whose Nature’? Ecological Restoration And Its Recent Urban Complications
  8. Lea de Fremont: Exploring the links between subjective wellbeing and low carbon mobility practices

Room Erignac, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris 

  1. Armand Pons: Participative Approaches For Accessibility Planning: A Review And Applications
  2. Peraphan Jittrapirom: Challenges In Addressing Messiness And Uncertainties In Sustainable Transport Planning With Participatory Interventions
  3. Agnes Müller: Towards A More Inclusive Traffic Planning? Changes In Urban Mobility In The Face Of Socio-Cultural Diversity In A Berlin Neighborhood
  4. Thomas Verbeek: Towards A Better Understanding Of People's Perception Of Fairness Through Comparing Socio-Economic With Spatial Explanations: A Residents’ Survey On Public Acceptability Of The London Ulez
  5. Lluis Martinez: Inclusive Stakeholder Involvement To Implement Sustainable Mobility Solutions: A Case Study Of Mobility Hubs

Room J.208, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

  1. Yuyao Mei: Flexible Citizenship As A Discursive Mechanism In Urban Planning: The Case Of Island Governance
  2. Suzanne Barker: Can Urban Planning Facilitate Place Attachment, Social Connection, And Care Through Community Engagement?
  3. Laura Cortizo: Collaborative Urban Governance: Actor Coalitions, Conflict And Consensus
  4. Baptiste Colin: Who Said The Diagonal Was The Shortest Route? Designing, Letting Design, Co-Designing And Redesigning A City Block In A Central District Of Lyon
  5. Valeria Monno: Knowledge Production Processes For Spatial Justice In Transition 

Room J.210, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris 

  1. Ana Correa Do Lago: Accelerating Energy Retrofits In Residential Buildings In Spanish Cities: Connecting Citizen Everyday Needs With 2030 Decarbonization Objectives?
  2. Elgar Kamjou: Informal Settlements And Greening Dilemmas
  3. Camilo Vladimir De Lima Amaral: Conflictual Natures: The Role Of Architectural Imagination In Building Paths For Ecological Transition In The City Of Goias – Brasil
  4. Fiona Imami: Just Green Transition(S) In The Western Balkans: Pathways Towards Conceptualization And Contextualization
  5. Fontana Cassandra: Facing Environmental Conflicts: Insights From Participatory Co-Design And Co-Production In Institutional Ecological Transition Initiatives

Room Leroy Beaulieu, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris 

  1. Subhashree Nath: Contextual Prerequisites For Implementing Web-Based Tools In Urban Climate Adaptation
  2. Yung-Chen Cheng: The Ecological Transformation Of Urban Parks In Taipei: Assessing The Transformative Capacity Of Cities For Mainstreaming Nature-Based Solutions
  3. Apostolos Lagarias: Re-Definition(S) Of The Role Of City Centers And Central Business Districts Under The Effect Of Extreme Heat Conditions And Climate Change: Evidence From The Mediterranean Context
  4. Wenzheng Li: Urban Spatial Patterns And The Urban Heat Island Effect - Evidence From German Regions
  5. Mario Paris: Can the SDGs indicators become a policy tool at the local scale? A Support Study for the Regional Strategy of Sustainable Development in Lombardy
  6. Marta Castellini et al.: The role of regional funding policies in the creation of Renewable Energy Communities in Italy

Room Albert Sorel, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris 

  1. Calmeiro Margarida: The City Of Tomorrow Is Already With Us
  2. Carla Gonçalves: The Portuguese Adoption Of The Council Of Europe Landscape Convention: Between Over-Protected And Over-Neglected Landscapes
  3. Thibaud Bages: Renewing Regional Economic Planning By The Ecological Justification
  4. Luciano Agustin Pana Tronca: Climate And Transport Planning: A Messy Junction
  5. Juanbo Pu: Examining The Effect Of Flood Risk Perception On Migration And Urban Form In US Counties Between 1990 To 2019
  6. Elena Camilla Pede: Climate Justice And Public Urban Spaces: Unequal Experiences Of Thermal Discomfort. Climate Shelters, Public Services, And Innovative Solutions To Address Social-Environmental Vulnerabilities
  7. Giulio Giovannoni: Removing Cultural Barriers To Climate Change Adaptation In Tuscany

Room B.108, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris

  1. Zhenming Yang: Exploring Child-Friendly Waterfront Public Spaces Using A Photovoice Study: A Pilot In The Yangpu Waterfront, Shanghai, China
  2. Evangelia-Maria Kouvara et al: Public Space In The Polycrisis Era
  3. Karla Barrantes Chaves: Urban Parks Through People’s New Lens: Opportunities Behind Covid-19 For Public Spaces’ Policies In Costa Rica
  4. Francesca Dal Cin: The Public Space Between Land And Sea. Quarteira's Case
  5. Lucia Nucci: Public Open Spaces As Game-Changer In The Post-Covid City
  6. Catarina Caldeira: Heterotopy And Transformations
  7. Aslı Ulubaş Hamurcu: Exploring User Preferences And Place Attachment In Urban (Public) Spaces: A Case Study Of Kadıköy Historical City Centre, Istanbul, Türkiye

Room J.211, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007 Paris

  1. Pu Hao: Embracing Spontaneity: Integrating Unplanned Commercial Establishments Into Urban Planning For Inclusive Cities
  2. Geoffrey Nwaka: The Informal Sector And Covid 19 Responses In Sub-Saharan African Cities
  3. Elgar Kamjou: “A Hidden Gem On My Doorstep”: Post-Pandemic Planning For Local Urban Green Spaces
  4. Keti Hoxha: Rethinking Urban Spaces: A Comprehensive Examination Of Burial Spaces In Western Balkan Cities
  5. Giulia D'Antonio: Towards The Spatial Justice Impact Assessment Of Urban Regeneration: For A Methodological And Operational Approach Aimed At Planning And Implementing Interventions
  6. Ignacio Castillo Ulloa: Growing Up Unknowingly In A Cage: Youths’ Conf(l)ictive Spatial Knowledge

Room K.008, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  1. Shenjing He - How Planning Intervention Changes The Pricing Mechanism Of China’s Small Property Right Housing
  2. Marco Del Nibletto - Valuing The Presence Of Retailers In The Housing Market: Evidence From Turin, Italy
  3. Paola Pellegrini - The Requalification Of The Housing Stock After Massive Urbanization In China. A Pilot Project Of A Residential Neighbourhood In Suzhou
  4. Laura Saija - Pitfalls Of Current Approaches To Public Housing Renovation: Lessons From The City Of Catania
  5. Helly Hirsh - The Transfer Of Public Housing To Its Tenants:  Real Estate Ownership As A Lever For Socio-Economic Mobility
  6. Julie Perrin - Tempo And Legibility Of France's Housing Renovation Policy: Too Fast To Work?
  7. Yiqing Xu - System Dynamics Study On The Relationship Between Floor Area Ratio And Land Price In Small And Medium-Sized Urban Residential Areas: A Case Study Of Xupu County Central Urban Area

Room B.001, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  1. Ludovico Centis - Planning And The Unthinkable. Inertia, Imagination And Climate Change Along The Upper Adriatic Coast
  2. Rasmus Steffansen: Creating futures: Planning tools for keeping the future abundant

Room 26, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris 

  1. Anthony Ximenez - Anti-Theory For An Indisciplined Discipline: How To Read Urban Design Positivity Out Of What Urban Designers Do.
  2. Kang Cao - Planning Theory’S Trajectories: A Retrospective Study Of The 50 Years’ Theory Selections
  3. Tom Becker - Is It Time For A New Theoretical Framework For Spatial Planning? A Case Study To Support Participatory Energy Planning And Design In Urban And Rural Townscapes
  4. Ali Madanipour - Authenticity In Urbanism
  5. Jarre Parkatti - Can Planning Theory Guide Urban Design?
  6. Stefano Cozzolino - Masterplanning And Complexity Theories Of Cities: Discussing The Difference Between Complexity Of Design And Design For Complexity

Room C.S25, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  1. Samuel Ripoll - Towards A Postcolonial History Of City Networks. The Connection Between “Developed” And “Third World” Cities, Between Decolonization And Democratic Transitions (1960s-1990s)
  2. Daniele Soraggi - Ligurian Transfer: When Territorial Constraints May Hamper Mobility Policies Replicability.
  3. Olivier Sykes - Is There A Gap In The Gap (Global Agenda For Planning)?
  4. Guibo Sun - Bridging The Funding Gap: Path Dependencies In Financial Model Changes Of Metro Infrastructure Provision In Guangzhou And Hong Kong
  5. Xueqi Zhao - A Comparative Study of Small Town Development Policies and Implementation Effects in Different Regions of China (2000-2020): Commonalities, Differences, and Transformations

Room 14, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris 

  1. Cong Li - An Analysis Of Value Reconstruction In Constructive Protection Practice For Archaeological Sites Parks
  2. Yiwen Tang - Formation, Characteristics, And Responses To Commercial Gentrification In Historic Conservation Block From The Perspective Of Spatial Production
  3. Zeyin Chen - Analysis Of Block Space Characteristics And Regeneration Strategies From The Perspective Of Historical Evolution: A Case Study Of Siwenli And Its Surrounding Blocks In Shanghai
  4. Jiaying Cui - Rural Heritage Governed As Commons: Case Study Of A Chinese Heritage Village From A Cultural Capital Perspective
  5. Jie Tang - Research On Sustainable Protection And Inheritance Of Overseas Chinese Hometown Cultural Heritage: A Case Study Of Xiangshan Ancient City

Room 24, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris 

  1. Junyao He - How Can Social Networking Sites Empower The Grassroots In Urban Planning
  2. Yeonsu Hamm - Social Media Facilitated Neighborliness In Single-Person Households Among Youths
  3. Dongni Zhang - The Role Of Social Media In Urban Management And Heritage Preservation
  4. Carolina Pacchi - Hybrid Spaces And Planning: Exploring Just City Debates In The Digital Era

Room 15, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

  1. Giada Limongi - Living With Risks: Communities’ Awareness And Preparedness In The Campi Flegrei Area (Italy)
  2. Mette Juhl Jessen - Narratives On Social Vulnerability In Regional Climate Adaptation Planning In Europe
  3. Mrudhula Koshy - Theorising Compounded Uncertainty In Planning From The South: A Proposed Framework For Contextualised Contingency Planning
  4. Varsami (Ersi) Zafeiriou - Transforming Urban Planning: Prioritizing Social Vulnerability By Developing Transformative Capacities For Resilient And Equitable Urban Futures
  5. Paulo Silva - Climate Change And Informality: How Public Policies Address Informal Settlements In Natural Risks Areas
  6. Yang Liu: Research on the Influence of River Network System Evolution on the Storage Capacity under the Background of Urbanization in the Xiangjiang River Basin, China

Room K.027, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  1. Ender Peker - An Action Research Approach To Empowering District-Level Authorities For Rainwater Harvesting
  2. Tingting Wan - Social Grassroots Organization Coordinated And Multi-Actor Driven Regeneration Model Exploration Of Residential Historic Areas– Renfengli As An Example, Yangzhou, China
  3. Gerrit J. Knaap - Planning Outside The Box: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development And The Purple Line Coalition
  4. Gustavo Lopes Dos Santos - Grand Projects In The Lisbon Metropolitan Area Shaping Dynamics Of The Tagus Estuary: Priorities And Perceptions Of A Non-Specialist Public
  5. Emma. J. Street - Beyond Market Value(s): Harnessing Transactional And Principle-Based Development Values In Urban Regeneration.
Section #Online Sessions

Online Session

Room 403, 56 rue des Saints-Pères (entrance via 27 rue Saint-Guillaume), 75007 Paris

Chair : Federica Rotondo

  1. Bianca Andaloro, et al.: Design Climate-Adaptive Urban Resilience: Nbs Strategies For Future-Proof Public Spaces
  2. Giulia Spadafina: Planning For Proximity In A Fragile Urban Context. The Case Of Tirana
  3. Gamze Mestan: Budget Management In Governance Of Transportation Investment: A Comprehensive Perspective For Sustainability
  4. Maryam Karimi: Digital Smugglers: Facilitators Or Exploiters? Navigating The Role Of Icts In Irregular Migration
  5. Irene Cazzaro: Predictive ‘Devices’ For Planners: A Critical Review From Morphogenetic Models To Ai
  6. Jiankun Lou: How Urban Morphology Affects Wind-Heat Environment: From Ancient Cities To Modern Cities
  7. Ruonan Jia: Research On Spatial Optimization Strategies Of Rural Settlements In The Loess Plateau From The Perspective Of Disaster Prevention And Reduction—A Case Study Of  Gaoxigou Village, China
  8. Lea Petrović Krajnik: Scenario Planning Method In Conceiving Future Development Of Peripheral Areas: Island – City – Spatial Interconnecting For The Sustainable City Of Tomorrow

Special Sessions

Room Goguel, 56 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris (entrance via 27 rue Saint-Guillaume)

  1. Shlomit Flint Ashery - Using Digital Collaboration To Achieve Holistic And Resilient Planning: A Case Study Of Jerusalem’s Ezrat Torah Neighbourhood
  2. Wolfgang Scholz - Still Ongoing Western Influence In Planning Worldwide? Planning Systems For The Global South From The South?

Room Eugène d'Eichtal, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

  1. Gillian Rose - Visualising Life In Volumetric Cities: City Digital Twins And Other Disasters
  2. Jan Boon - Don’t Look Up: How Renderings Impact Citizens’ Perceptions Of Large And Conflictual Infrastructure Projects
  3. Liesbeth Huybrechts - Live Projects. A Design Approach To Account For Diverse Embodied Experiences In Socio-Ecological Transitions
  4. Martijn Van Den Hurk - Keeping It Real: Experimenting With Renderings For Fictitious Infrastructures

Room C.S08, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris

  1. M. Susana Orta-Ortiz - Assessing Transformative Planning Practices Through A Content Analysis Of Plans From 7 European Countries.
  2. Henk-Jan Kooij - Planning For Biodiversity Restoration In The Dutch Ooijpolder-Groesbeek: A Tripartite Strategy Of Democratic Plans, Individual Discretion And Financial And Planning Instruments
  3. Maria Chiara Pastore - Dis-Integrated Urban Biodiversity: An Analysis Of Urban Policies And Plans In Italy
  4. Philippa Hughes - Goals, Barriers And Enablers To Realising Biodiversity Delivery Through New Development
  5. Yuanzao Zhu - Opportunities Of Integrating Economic And Financial Instruments Into Spatial Planning To Enhance Biodiversity
Section #Roundtables


Room C.S21, 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  • Camilla Perrone, University of Florence
  • Stefano Borgo, CNR-ISTC (Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione)
  • Stefano Moroni, Politecnico di Milano
  • Giovanni Fusco, Utrecht University

Room 13, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

  • Gérard Hutter, IOER Dresden in Saxonia 
  • Simin Davoudi, Newcastle University
  • Raine Mäntysalo, Aalto University 
  • Andy Inch, University of Sheffield 
  • Miriam Jensen, Aalborg University 
  • Thorsten Wiechmann, TU Dortmund

Room N.207, 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  • Davide Ponzini, Politecnico di Milano
  • Laura Lieto, Universita' Degli Studi di Napoli
  • Matteo Basso, IUAV
  • Zachary Mark Jones, Politecnico di Milano

Room C.S26, 1 Place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris 

  • Heike Köckler, ARL; Hochschule für Gesundheit
  • Thomas Verbeek, ARL; TU Delft 
  • Carlo Fabian, ARL; University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland 
  • Miriam Weber, ARL; City of Utrech
  • Magdalena Maierhofer, ARL, Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
  • Daniel Münderlein, ARL, Kassel University
  • Federica Fava, Uni Roma 3