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Plenary sessions

Section #Ouverture Conference

All plenary sessions will be held in the Boutmy lecture hall and broadcast live in the other lecture halls (Chapsal, Sorel, Leroy-Beaulieu, Eugène d'Eichtal) located at 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris. 


Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Keynote speakers

  • Sabine Barles, Sorbonne Université;
  • Claire Colomb, University of Cambridge;
  • Marco Cremaschi, Sciences Po, Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics & Urban School;
  • Charles-Antoine Depardon, Conseiller Urbanisme, Ville de Paris
  • Michael Storper, UCLA.

Moderator: Sukriti Issar, Sciences Po, Centre for Research on Social Inequalities & Urban School

Section #Keynote I

Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Keynote speakers

  • Christophe Demazière, Université de Lille;
  • Hélène Mainet, Université Clermont Auvergne.
Section #Keynote II

Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Keynote speakers

  • Sylvy Jaglin, Université Gustave Eiffel;
  • Eric Verdeil, Sciences Po.
Section #Commemoration

Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris


  • Thomas Dillinger - TU Wien, President of AESOP
  • Simin Davoudi - Newcastle University, Former President of AESOP



  • Louis Albrechts - KU Leuven, Former President of AESOP
  • Andreas Faludi - TU Delft, Honorary Member of AESOP
  • Jean Hillier - RMIT University

In Person

  • Jonhatan Metzger - KTH Stockholm
  • Alessandro Balducci - Politecnico di Milano, Former President of AESOP
  • Rachelle Alterman - Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Honorary Member of AESOP
Section #Assembly

Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Section #Keynote III

Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Keynote speakers

  • Patrick Le Galès, Sciences Po & CNRS;
  • Tuna Taşan-Kok, University of Amsterdam.
Section #Keynote IV

Location: “Boutmy”, “Chapsal”, “Sorel”, “Leroy-Beaulieu” and “Eugène d'Eichtal” lecture halls, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris

Keynote speaker

  • Alex Deffner, AESOP