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Members of Africa Programme
Permanent Faculty
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Sociology of civil wars, Islamic courts, armed conflict, Western military interventions
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Sahel / Mali / DRC
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Democratization, citizenship, political violence, identification, biometrics, cultural industries, popular representations of power
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
West Africa: Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso; East Africa and the Great Lakes: Uganda
Teachings in Africa or about Africa
- "Citizenship, Violence, and Politics in Africa" (Master's course)
- "Research Training Workshop in Africa" (Master's seminar)
- "Comparative Politics: A Global Perspective on African Political Societies" (Lecture, 2nd year, Reims)
- Winter School of Research Initiation in Africa (Lecture, 1st year, Reims)
Recent Publications
- ID Wars in Côte d’Ivoire: A Political Ethnography of Identification and Citizenship (Oxford University Press, with Armando Cutolo, forthcoming 28 June 2024)
- Identification and Citizenship in Africa: Biometrics, the Documentary State, and Bureaucratic Writings of the Self (Routledge, May 2021)
- "A Container of Papers: Citizenship and the Making of Stateless People in the Settlement Villages of Central Côte d'Ivoire" (Annales. Histoire Sciences Sociales, 2024/1)
- "The Social Life of IDs in Côte d’Ivoire: A Visual Political Ethnography" (Visual Ethnography, vol. 12, no. 1, December 2023)
Partnerships in Africa and Elsewhere
Columbia University
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
History of Central Africa, colonial imaginaries (European and African), witchcraft, prisons. Ongoing: Objects and the material and symbolic life of "things" in the long term (Central Africa)
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Central Africa/Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville
Teachings in Africa or about Africa
- Gabon: Seminar at Omar Bongo University, Libreville. "Reflecting on Things: Material Histories of the Postcolonial in Central Africa" (May 2023)
- At Sciences Po: Introduction to African History Since 1800
Recent Publications
- Science Fantasy and Desecration: Gorilla Demons in Colonial Gabon in Domestic Demons and the Intimate Uncanny (2023)
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Security, police, violence and exclusion, xenophobia, indigeneity, bureaucracy, state in action, governance of urban and metropolitan areas, history and historiography of contemporary Africa
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Nigeria, South Africa
Teachings in Africa or about Africa
- “Governing the Large Metropolis in Africa" (M1 Urban School, Sciences Po)
- "Introduction to Political Science: Africa Module" (L1 Africa Program, Reims Campus)
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Economic sovereignty (in Morocco)
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Partnerships in Africa and Elsewhere
CRESC - Rabat UIR (International University of Rabat)
Center for Global Studiesudies
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Development, Environment, Labour Economics, Public Economics, Political Economy
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Development Economics, Culture, Gender, Applied Microeconomics
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Medicine and public health in colonial and postcolonial African contexts; relations between human health, environmental change, and global social and political issues
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales))
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Armed conflicts, politics of great powers and emerging countries in sub-Saharan Africa, international interventions
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Horn of Africa/Central Africa
Teachings in Africa or about Africa
- Comparative Politics (Reims)
- Africa in International Reconfigurations (Reims)
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Sociologie des groupes djihadistes en Afrique, Politiques de sécurité
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
ERC research project on the end of slavery in the Maghreb
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
North Africa/Maghreb
Recent Publications
- Un esclave entre deux empires (Seuil, March 2023)
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Human rights and economic globalization (with a focus on the exploitation of natural resources, especially in sub-Saharan Africa)
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Ghana/RDC/South Africa
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Socio-history of voting, identification policies, citizenship, conflicts, armed violence
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Recent Publications
- Sandrine Perrot, Gerald Owachi, "Negotiating Indigenousness: Citizenship and the Struggle for Papers of the Maragoli Community in Uganda," in Identification and Citizenship in Africa (Routledge, 2021)
- Sandrine Perrot, "A Kipande for Ugandans? The Aborted 1947 'Identity Card for Africans'," in Identification and Citizenship in Africa (Routledge, 2021)
- Sandrine Perrot, Gerald Owachi, "The Biometric Registration of 'Others': Negotiated Indigeneity, Citizenship, and the Struggle for Papers of the Maragoli Community in Uganda," Genèses, 2018
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Civil-military relations, racialization of peacekeeping
Terrains de recherche en Afrique (mention pays et autres échelles)
Mali, Central African Republic
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Migration policies of Horn of Africa countries and European externalization of migration control [“MAGYC” project “Migration Governance and Asylum Crises” (Grant Agreement: 822806) (2018-2023)]
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Horn of Africa/Sudan
Recent Publications
- Hélène Thiollet and Thibaut Jaulin, "Migration Asylum and International Interventions in the Horn of Africa," in The Routledge Handbook on the Horn of Africa (2022)
Partnerships in Africa and Elsewhere
- Collaborations with Sudan (CEDEJ-Khartoum and University of Khartoum) for research on asylum policies in the Horn
- Participates in an ANR on Sudan
- Partnership with UMIFRE: IFRA, CFEE, and CEDEJ-K in particular (also with IFPO) within the framework of the MAGYC project.
Research Fields
History of Europe (18-20 centuries), Colonial History , History of Science and Knowledge, History of Nation and Nationalism
Post-doctoral Researchers
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Xenophobia and anti-xenophobia, nation-building in South Africa, political sociology of educational institutions (attitudes and political behaviors, activism, education and political pedagogies), Othering and social state in European and African contexts, Control of appearances in school settings (reproduction of domination relations of gender, class, race, age, etc., politicization and mobilization, construction of beauty standards)
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
South Africa (Johannesburg)
Teachings in Africa or about Africa
- Comparative Politics Methodology Conference with EURAF program in 2021
- Teaching Assistant for three Master's courses (one common training course with Richard Banégas and two optional courses with Ian Hopkins) in 2020 and 2021
Recent Publications
- Collective book States and the Making of Others
Partnerships in Africa and Elsewhere
Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Johannesburg (CERT) and previously at the French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Foundation (FMSH), as well as the University of Oxford (DPIR)
Research Fields in Africa (mention countries and other scales)
Nigeria (Lagos)
Individual or Collective Research Topics in Progress
Humanitarian diplomacy and public communication
Africa programme
Scientific Director
- Florence Bernault (CHSP)
Co-directrice internationale
- Alice Judell (Direction des Affaires internationales)
Scientific Council:
- Représentants de la Faculté
Richard Banégas (CERI)
Laurent Fourchard (CERI)
Roland Marchal (CERI)
Jakob Vogel (CHSP)
- Représentants des Doctorants
Michaël Bourdon (CERI)
Anna Osterlow (CHSP)
- Représentante des Post-doctorants et chargé.es d'enseignement
Kamina Diallo (Responsable pôle ScPo à Dakar)