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Reims Africa Minor
Sciences Po offers its Bachelor students the opportunity to specialize in specific geographical areas, taught across its seven regional campuses. The Reims Campus hosts the Africa Minor of Sciences Po, which brings together around 300 students, a significant portion of whom come from the continent. This is a unique program in Europe, combining a solid education in humanities and social sciences with the acquisition of specific knowledge in African studies. During the first two years, students explore, through a multidisciplinary approach, the history of the African continent as well as its political, demographic, environmental, technological, economic, and urban issues. The third year is spent abroad, with numerous exchange opportunities in Africa and elsewhere.
Courses offered include: “The History of Africas”, “Africa Beyond its Portrayals: 18th and 19th Centuries”; “Inventing Gender Parity in Africa”; “Transitional Justice: Africa and Latin America”; “The Birth of Sub-Saharan African Cinema: Pioneers and Early Developments”; “African Art Worlds: Figures, Principles, Issues”.
Students may also take classes in the languages spoken around the continent, including Arabic, Portuguese, and Swahili.
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