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Africa Certification

Starting from the 2024-25 academic year, an Africa Certification is being offered to Master's students (from the Urban School and the School of International Affairs for the first pilot year) who wish to deepen their knowledge and enhance their skills regarding the continent. It is based on all the courses, research, internships, and training undertaken throughout the university curriculum, regardless of Master's specializations and professional projects. It complements the thematic degrees awarded by each school by recognizing expertise in African studies.

How to Obtain the Africa Certification

Transversal and multidisciplinary, this Certification is open to all Master's students from the two schools involved in the pilot year. The validation criteria are as follows:

  1. Validation (with a minimum grade of 14/20) of at least 4 courses on Africa (possibly including one on the "global south" or a Research Training Workshop in Africa or a course in an African language). 
  2. One of these courses may have been taken during the bachelor’s program, with the other three needing to be completed during the master's program.
  • An internship report (or professional thesis) related to an internship experience in a country within the region;
  • A study-abroad report related to an academic exchange in a country within the region;
  • A research thesis related to a research stay in a country within the region.

Africa programme

Scientific Director

  • Florence Bernault (CHSP)

Co-directrice internationale

Scientific  Council:

  • Richard BANEGAS (CERI)
  • Florence BERNAULT (CHSP)
  • Sandrine PERROT (CERI)
  • Laurent FOURCHARD (CERI)
  • Jules VILLA (Medialab)
  • Maëlle GÉLIN (CHSP)

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