Day 1 - Thursday 6 June
14:00-14:30 Welcome coffee
14:30-14:45 Introduction
Panel 1. Imperial Currencies and Imperial Space
Chair Panel: Anne Conchon (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- Arielle Alterwaite, (University of Pennsylvania), “Political Economies of the Haitian Gourde, Counterfeit and Otherwise”.
- Gabriel Lietner (Université de Genève) and Gianandrea Nodari (Université de Genève), “London '33: Currency blocs and Imperial Monetary Policy”.
- Brecht Nijman (Huygens Institute, KNAW), “Counting out the Money: Cataloging currencies in the Dutch East India Company archive then and now”.
16:45-17:15 Coffee Break
Panel 2. Monetary Agency in Empires
Chair Panel: Patrice Baubeau (Université Paris-Nanterre)
- Alessandro De Cola (Università di Bologna), “African Agencies in the Making of Colonial Currencies: The Case of Hassan Mussa El Akkad in the Italian Colony of Eritrea (1885-1890)”.
- Robin Frisch, (University of Bayreuth), “The Quest for Monetary Control in Interwar Togo: Unveiling Colonial Economic Ambiguities”.
Day 2 - Friday 7 June
8:30-9:00 : Welcome Coffee
Panel 3: Materiality of Money: Minting and Resources in Empires
Chair Panel : Jérôme Jambu (Université Le Havre-Normandie)
- Gustave Lester (Harvard University), “From Gold Standard to Gold Rush: Precious Metal Science and Money Politics Across Anglo-American Empires, 1750-1830”.
- Geoffrey Durham (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “A New Ruble for the Russian Empire: Mining and Minting Platinum in the 19th Century”.
10h30-11h Coffee break
Panel 4: Imperial and Colonial currencies in Economic Development
Chair Panel : David Todd (CHSP)
- Matteo Rossi, (Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Torino), “Monetary Independence Henry Carey, the Greenbacks and the United States in the World Market”.
- Dorcas Djonkui (Université de Douala), “La création du Franc CFA et ses répercussions en Afrique Centrale : le cas du déficit de la balance commerciale sur les produits alimentaires”.
12:30-14:00 Lunch at Sciences Po
Panel 5: The Introduction of Imperial Currencies : Conquest, Law and Institutions.
Chair Panel: Nicolas Delalande (CHSP)
- Ludovic Desmedt (Université de Bourgogne), “To issue paper money in the New World: the contrasting cases of New France and New England (17th-18th centuries)”.
- Toyomu Masaki (Kanazawa University), “The French Invasion of the Haut Sénégal and payment issues: 1880-1900”.
- Mohammadreza Eghbalizarch (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, IHEID) and Soheil Ghasemi (IHEID), “The Sterling Capitulation: The Imperial Bank of Persia and the British Juridico-Monetary Intervention in Semi-Colonial Iran (1890-1919)”.
16:00-16:15 Conclusion
16:30-18:00 : Visit of the Musée de la Monnaie (15mins by foot from Sciences Po)
Organisé par : CHSP
Évènement en english
Évènement en english
Partenaire(s) :
Funded by the Centre for History and Economics in Paris and hosted by the Centre for History at Sciences Po.