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Henri De Castries scholarship

Through the Henri de Castries Scholarship, Sciences Po offers a merit-based scholarship for students in order to help them sustain their stay in France during their studies. The Henri de Castries Scholarship is open to students entering their first year of studies in either the Columbia or Berkeley dual BA program with Sciences Po.

The $10,000 scholarship is awarded on an annual basis for one year of study only.


American or French national, admitted and entering their first academic year in Sciences Po's dual BA with Columbia University or Berkeley University.

Application and selection process

Submit the following application materials to the Sciences Po American Foundation (scholarship@usscpo.org):

  • Complete the online candidate information form
  • If you could meet this scholarship’s namesake, how would you share your personal aspirations, achievements, and the impact of being part of a transatlantic dual BA cohort? Highlight what makes you a deserving recipient and how you plan to honor their legacy while fostering transatlantic friendship. (250 words, in English or in French)
  • One letter of recommendation, including the recommender's name, title, affiliation and contact information as a potential reference (in English or in French)
  • CV (in English or in French)

Please send materials as one compiled pdf document. We will not consider your application otherwise.

Selection Committee

The Henri de Castries Scholarship Selection Committee is composed of several jury members, with one representative from Sciences Po and the Sciences Po American Foundation.

Additional jury members have backgrounds in world affairs, business, finance, journalism, or other domains.


  • Students must apply by Sunday April 13, 2025 at 11:30 PM Pacific Time.
  • Results are expected by the end of April 2025.


For more information, please contact Sciences Po centre for the Americas