Brett Littman a travaillé dans le courant alternatif à New York downtown et retrace l’historique des formes d’art et d’expositions non-institutionnelles, des années 1960 à aujourd’hui. Il nous aide à mesurer la force d’actions qui n’ont pu prospérer que sur fond de contestation générale du capitalisme et de la politique engagée au Vietnam en ...
# 19-1 | Alternatives to the Art Market in New York | Brett Littman
Brett Littman, who has worked in the alternative art world of downtown New York, retraces here the history of noninstitutional art forms and art exhibitions from the 1960s to the present. He helps us to gauge the power of art actions that were able to thrive only against a background of protests against capitalism ...
# 13-2 | Primitivisms | Maureen Murphy
The Surrealists reinvented the idol of origins. They dreamed of their Primitive as someone standing apart from science and reality by curiously rediscovering the paths of history. As early as the 1920s, they were among the first to revolt against the serfage of non-Western peoples, and they did so not by calling, in the ...
# 3-3 | Dandies | Julie Ramos
À la fin du 18e siècle, Brummell invente en Angleterre la figure ambivalente du dandy bientôt liée à l'avènement de la société démocratique et d'un nouveau spectateur de plus en plus avide de sensations. Au début du 20e siècle, à l'ère des masses, Marcel Duchamp reconduit la figure d'une résistance sans héros, anti-soldat indifférent, ...