# 113 | Technical Objects and New Gestures | Anaïs Linares

Anaïs Linares is studying digital practices influenced by the methods of operation that are foreseen by the suppliers of devices, but that, in part, escape their control. An entire body of ethnographic research has taken an interest in gestures pertaining to technical objects that come under the headings “Personal Tactics” and “Digital Plumbing”: users ...

# 110 | Objects, Waste Products | Isabelle Bellin- Christian Duquennoi

Waste products, a part of our everyday lives, have become an object of study for scientists who examine here their physical and technological but also anthropological, sociological, economic, philosophical, political, and ecological dimensions. While this object has for a very long time been granted privileged status in the scrutiny of past societies, it also ...

# 107 | Jean Rouch and the Gay Science of Things | Clara Pacquet

Jean Rouch discovered the rituals of possession among the Songhai populations of Niger when he was a colonial public-works engineer before quitting that job to devote his life to research.  He began filming in order to document ceremonies during which things are “activators of affects” for purposes of healing.  Clara Pacquet notes the correspondences ...