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What is Axpo
Thanks to funding from the AXA Chair in Market Sociology, Sciences Po launches a new research observatory in the fall of 2022, AxPo. It both builds on MaxPo’s* past achievements and innovates with a new research focus, a new role in the training of early-career researchers, and a new institutional setting.
AxPo has the following missions:
- Developing social science research on Market Society Polarization;
- Promoting junior-level research with an ambitious international postdoctoral program in the social sciences;
- Creating intellectual and social ties between Sciences Po and other top-ranked global universities through a visiting scholars program;
- Serving as a Sciences Po portal for institutionalized Franco-German cooperation;
- Training junior researchers (PhD students and postdocs) in a monthly PolEconSoc seminar.
*MaxPo, co-funded for ten years from 2012-2022 by the Max Planck Society and Sciences Po, was an interdisciplinary research center combining economic sociology and political economy that was devoted to the study of instability in market societies; the internationalization of PhD students in France; and the development of Franco-German cooperation in social sciences.