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Sciences Po Fellows
AxPo Postdoctoral Fellow 2024
Ulysse Lojkine

Double affiliation: AxPo and CRIS
Postdoctoral research project:
Relational Inequality in the Labour Market: Firms’ Hierarchies and Workers’ Freedom
This project aims to explore relational aspects of labour market inequality through quantitative empirical research. It is divided into two sub-projects: the first investigates how firms’ hierarchies drive wage inequality, and the second focuses on workers' freedom in both the workplace and the broader labour market.
We have growing evidence of the increasing macroeconomic role of inter-firm wage inequality, and, on the other hand, of the negative effect of subcontracting on wages in specific microeconomic contexts. The aim of the first subproject is to bridge the gap between these two literatures and to propose an estimate of the aggregate effect of subcontracting on wage inequality in France, by constructing a counterfactual wage distribution with methods from the literature on minimum wages.
The second part of the project shifts focus to inequalities in terms of freedom, encompassing autonomy at work and the freedom of job choice in the labour market. The first component will be measured through working condition surveys, while the estimation of the second will rely on recent advances in the measurement of workers’ “outside options”. The overarching conjecture is that the distribution of freedom, both at work and on the labour market, by gender, occupation and migrant status, is unequal and parallels wage inequality.
AxPo Postdoctoral Fellows 2023
Catarina Leão

Double affiliation: AxPo and CEE
Postdoctoral research project:
Economic Autocratic Legacies: Socio-Economic Polarization and Democratic Support in Market Societies
My postdoctoral research project, Economic Autocratic Legacies: Socio-Economic Polarization and Democratic Support in Market Societies, aims at continuing to explore how former autocratic legacies in European democracies can shape contemporary democratic views. I am interested in studying whether social provision and economic policy choices by autocratic governments have long-lasting impacts after transitions to democracy, namely, on redistribution preferences, economic policy preferences, and resulting socio-economic polarisation. Additionally, I would also like to study how these legacies – especially when they are related to economic scarcity – can promote a higher propensity for social protest and mobilisation, potentially increasing socio-political polarisation. In order to do so I will use a combination of quantitative, qualitative, and quasi-experimental methods.
Noam Titelman

Double affiliation: AxPo and CEVIPOF
Postdoctoral research project:
Political Realignment in Democracy: the Social Identity Link
Is the recent politicization of certain social identities behind mistrust and socio-political polarization in several democracies? Is this affective polarization behind the emergence of populist parties and political leaders opposing migration and international integration? We know from election studies which demographic characteristics best predict vote choice, but we know far less about how citizens perceive their political similarity to one another in terms of these characteristics. Through my research, I aim to study the links between the politicization of social identities, expressed as feelings of political similarities and differences, and the recent emergence of political realignment including the electoral success of populist and far right politicians. I will employ survey experiments designed to measure perceived social and affective similarities and differences, as well as the impact of these perceptions on political behaviour. My research proposal for the post- doctoral position is divided into two areas: Western Europe and Latina America. My study of Western European countries will focus on support for nationalist far right parties. My study of Latin American countries will place emphasis on support for populist politicians.
PhD students in PolEconSoc seminar
- Clem Aeppli
- Lukas Arndt
- Alexis Baudour
- Meryem Bezzaz
- Jan Boguslawski
- Salih Bora
- Jens Carstens
- Andrés Chiriboga
- Vanessa Endrejat
- Zoé Evrard
- Arno Lizet
- Mattia Lupi
- Elena Matias Casacuberta
- Ömer Faruk Metin
- AndrewMoon
- Daniel Roberts
- Alphan Telek
- Paulus Wagner
- Andrew Zola