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Dans le cadre de la Love Data Week 2025, événement international sur les données de recherche, la bibliothèque de Sciences Po organise des ateliers en collaboration avec le CEVIPOF, le CERI, le médialab et l'Institut libre sur les transformations numériques.
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Did you know that the Sciences Po Library gives you access to over 11,000 press titles? To help you navigate, follow our new Press Level 1 training (only in French)!
Faced with the reemergence of conflict in the Middle East, Sciences Po is offering a cycle of 12 lessons organised by the Middle East North Africa Program. To accompany this cycle of lessons, the Sciences Po library provides a variety of resources...
Be wise, don't stress – visit today and ace your tests tomorrow!
What if you started 2025 with a clean slate?
From 6 to 17 January 2025, some reading rooms will be closed in the mornings.
Explore the new materials of the library!
To escape after your exams, here's a selection of comics that combine quality drawing and script!
Access to Platon platform with Sciences Po Library.
Dates of closure, holiday loan, cessation of services,.... All the dates you need to know.
Until 31 December, the Library is offering you the chance to try out a new digital resource.
Every semester and during weeks, the Library is open 7/7 days to optimize your revision period.
Between 4 and 9 November 2024.
We will reward your time with a €50 gift card for the Sciences Po bookstore.
The library is launching a podcast (in French) for Sciences Po students. 30 minutes long, "Chut! The podcast that makes noise in the library" takes the form of a magazine. Each episode is based on a discussion between students and guests on a topic that concerns and interests you...
Discover all the changes you've asked us to make to the Library.
Newsletter, podcast, social networks : everything you need to know to stay informed.
From recreational tours to back-to-school training, find out what the Library has to offer to make the best of your time at Sciences Po.
From July 1st and until the end of December 2024, the Library is experimenting with a new operating mode concerning the reservation of individual seats.
Don't throw away all your ballot papers and other political leaflets. A second life awaits them in the Archives Department !
From now on, it’s quick and easy, one website for all your research: the catalogue!
Whether you are from High school, University degree or you are a professional, you can get our summer card. It gives you access to our reading rooms, our print collections and our digital collections.