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Whether you are from High school, University degree or you are a professional, you can get our summer card. It gives you access to our reading rooms, our print collections and our digital collections.
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Library closures, holiday loans, cessation of services... All the summer dates you need to know.
As part of the Forests Cycle organised by the library, we invite you to a discussion on forests and the ecological issues they raise, with Charlotte Glinel, doctoral student at the CSO, Clara Arnaud, author of novels, and Gwenn Dubourthoumieu, photographer. The discussion will be moderated by Ninon Vandebeulque, a student on a BASc double degree in 'environment and sustainable societies' and a member of Sciences Po Environnement.
Three gateways: the Web Portal, FranceArchives and Calames
This exhibition, produced by the Sciences Po Library in partnership with the Maison des Arts et de la Création, is part of the Library's Forests Cycle. It invites visitors to discover the fauna, flora and inhabitants of the Congolese forest, to better understand the local and global issues involved in preserving it.
Wir bedanken uns ! Thank you very much! We would like to pay tribute to Alfred Grosser, a loyal friend of the library, who appreciated and supported our work throughout his years at Sciences Po.
On 30 November 2023, meet Karine Tuil, the 10th holder of the Sciences Po Writer-in-Residence Chair at the Centre d'Écriture et de Rhétorique.
War in Ukraine, our selection for a better understanding