Home>NEW: Electronic resources are now on the Catalogue


NEW: Electronic resources are now on the Catalogue

You no longer have to navigate between multiple sites to find what you’re looking for. All printed and electronic resources are now available through a unique platform: the catalogue. Experience a faster, more intuitive, and more comprehensive search!

How do I use the new version of the catalogue?

The scope of the catalogue has changed: the electronic resources portal is now integrated into the catalogue: a single tool for all your searches! 

  (crédits : Bibliothèque de Sciences Po) 

How can I connect to a specific resource using the Sciences Po library subscription? How do I explore the list of our electronic resources? Need a demonstration? Watch our video tutorial (in french) which will guide you through the catalogue's new features. In just a few minutes, you'll be comfortable with the search tool and ready to explore.

We are also always available to help you with your research or to hear your feedback at the Library reception desks or via chat.

(credits: montage Pauline Le Merrer)