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Information for readers with disabilities
Services to improve accessibility for all readers.

The Library offers services to readers with disabilities.Library staff is available to:
- assist readers with disabilities in reading rooms and at different information desks;
- inform you about services at your disposal;
- request closed-stacks material, collect direct access items and check-out materials for you;
- make photocopies or prints of library materials;
- book the rooms at your disposal in the Saint-Guillaume and Saint-Thomas libraries.
A personal assistance can also be arranged. To make an appointment : bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr
Readers with disabilities are granted extended borrowing privileges as well as delivery service : material delivery in lockers at the 13 rue de l'Université cafeteria. Library access is free for readers with disabilities and their attendants, under certain conditions.
Building access
Automatic doors are installed at the entrance of the Saint-Guillaume library.
Adapted furniture
- Adjustable tables are installed in Saint-Thomas in the general library (6) and in the research library (2) and, in the Saint-Guillaume library, one table in the ground floor.
- In the Saint-Guillaume library, hearing induction loops are available at reference desks for hearing-impaired readers.
Reserved spaces
Following specific areas were set up for readers with disabilities. To book one of these spaces, please write to bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr :
- two soundproofed rooms located in the lobby near the Saint-Thomas General Library;
- one soundproof room in the ground floor at Saint-Guillaume;
- workplaces with adjustable tables on the ground floor of 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, in the general library of Saint-Thomas and in the research library.
Equipments and softwares
- Computer stations in each room, equipped with the following software :
- Jaws : voice synthesis software for Windows and documents
- Zoom Text : screen magnifier
- Adobe Digital Edition (for reading e-books)
- 4 PCs with braille keyboards connected to local and network printers as well as a braille embosser (room A)
- 2 image magnifiers connected to PC screens
- 2 scanners for digitizing documents, fitted with Omnipage 17 software (optical character recognition)
- 2 reading machines with integrated MP3 players for listening scanned documents
- 1 magnifying lamp (room A)
- 2 digital dictation software Dragon (PC 6601 room A et PC 5991 room B)
- 1 public phone (room A) to contact the Library accessibility assistant and the IT helpdesk at 01 45 49 77 99 (e-mail sos@sciencespo.fr)
Equipment loan
On all Sciences Po campuses, employees and students can borrow adapted equipments :
- amplifiers sound
- portable video magnifier ( weight 300g )
- video enlarger
Collections accessibility
- Electronic databases, some with integrated voice synthesis
- Proquest Ebook Central, for e-books
- Factiva, press database, for articles
- Vocale presse, access from your personal computer (please contact bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr )
- Gallica, more than 4 348 725 documents searchable and downloadable freely, provided with “ listen mode” allowing text reading by voice synthesis
- BNFA (Bibliothèque Numérique Francophone Accessible)
- Eole, la bibliothèque numérique de l’association Valentin Haüy
- Les bibliothèques sonores de l’association donneurs de voix
- BDEA, Le catalogue de l’édition adapté
Audiovisual collections:
The Library offers on the ground floor of 27 rue Saint-Guillaume:
- DVDs , french fictions and documentaries ( some of them with subtitles for the hearing impaired) and foreign fictions and documentaries (mostly in subtitled original version)
- “Read books” audio CDs, classic texts recordings.
Copyright exception in favour of people with disabilities
The Sciences Po Library is authorised to provide accessible documents under the copyright exception for readers with reading difficulties (motor, physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological problems) under certain conditions:
- Certificate of disability or attestation on honour
- Respect: personal use only
- Signature of the user charter required
- Adapted documents must bear the following notice: “This work was produced by [name of organisation] under the exception to copyright for people with disabilities (articles L. 122-5, L.122-5-1, L. 122-5-2 and R. 122-13 to 22 of the French Intellectual Property Code). It is reserved for strictly personal consultation by people who are unable to read, and any reproduction or distribution is prohibited”.
- The form for scanning your documents on a scanner equipped with character recognition software to make them accessible
- Catalogue of adapted books deposited on PLATON (fr)
For any questions or for a personalized welcome, contact bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr
Find out more
Delivery service: documents are transported in lockers to the cafeteria at 13 rue de l'Université.