Home>Services>Information for readers with disabilities

Information for readers with disabilities

Services to improve accessibility for all readers.

(credits: Marta Nascimento)
Section #services


The Library offers services to readers with disabilities.Library staff is available to:

  • assist readers with disabilities in reading rooms and at different information desks;
  • inform you about services at your disposal;
  • request closed-stacks material, collect direct access items and check-out materials for you;
  • make photocopies or prints of library materials;
  • book the rooms at your disposal in the Saint-Guillaume and Saint-Thomas libraries.

A personal assistance can also be arranged. To make an appointment : bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr

Readers with disabilities are granted extended borrowing privileges as well as delivery service : material delivery in lockers at the 13 rue de l'Université cafeteria. Library access is free for readers with disabilities and their attendants, under certain conditions.

Section #building_access

Building access

Automatic doors are installed at the entrance of the Saint-Guillaume library.

Section #adapted_furniture

Adapted furniture

  • Adjustable tables are installed in Saint-Thomas in the general library (6) and in the research library (2) and, in the Saint-Guillaume library, one table in the ground floor.
  • In the Saint-Guillaume library, hearing induction loops are available at reference desks for hearing-impaired readers. 
Section #reserved_spaces

Reserved spaces

Following specific areas were set up for readers with disabilities. To book one of these spaces, please write to bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr :

  • two soundproofed rooms located in the lobby near the Saint-Thomas General Library;
  • one soundproof room in the ground floor at Saint-Guillaume;
  • workplaces with adjustable tables on the ground floor of 27 rue Saint-Guillaume, in the general library of Saint-Thomas and in the research library.
Section #equipments_softwares

Equipments and softwares 

  • Computer stations in each room, equipped with the following software :
    • Jaws : voice synthesis software for Windows and documents
    • Zoom Text : screen magnifier
    • Adobe Digital Edition (for reading e-books)
  • 4 PCs with braille keyboards connected to local and network printers as well as a braille embosser (room A) 
  • 2 image magnifiers connected to PC screens
  • 2 scanners for digitizing documents, fitted with Omnipage 17 software (optical character recognition)
  • 2 reading machines with integrated MP3 players for listening scanned documents 
  • 1 magnifying lamp (room A)
  • 2 digital dictation software Dragon (PC 6601 room A et PC 5991 room B)
  • 1 public phone (room A) to contact the Library accessibility assistant and the IT helpdesk at 01 45 49 77 99 (e-mail sos@sciencespo.fr)
Section #equipment_loan

Equipment loan

On all Sciences Po campuses, employees and students can borrow adapted equipments :

  • amplifiers sound
  • portable video magnifier ( weight 300g )
  • video enlarger
Section #collections_accessibility

Collections accessibility

Audiovisual collections: 

The Library offers on the ground floor of 27 rue Saint-Guillaume:

  • DVDs , french fictions and documentaries ( some of them with subtitles for the hearing impaired) and foreign fictions and documentaries (mostly in subtitled original version)
  • “Read books” audio CDs, classic texts recordings.
Section #copyright_exception


For any questions or for a personalized welcome, contact bibaccessible@sciencespo.fr

Find out more

Delivery service: documents are transported in lockers to the cafeteria at 13 rue de l'Université.