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Digital archiving of your documents
Digital archiving consists in storing, preserving and ensuring access to digitised and natively digital documents (texts, images, videos, etc.) over the very long term, i.e., more than 30 years, regardless of technological developments (obsolescence of hardware, software, or file formats, etc.).
In partnership with the CINES (Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur), the library can help you with the digital preservation of your data and research materials by providing expertise and advice (assessment of the types of data to be archived, choice of file formats and metadata, structuring formats, etc.).
The library also offers technical support for the preparation of corpora for deposit in a digital archive. It performs all automatic file checks and conversion of data to file formats for preservation using the NumaHOP platform.
The costs of archiving are not covered by the library, but pooling reduces costs. Finally, temporary hosting (one month) can be arranged on the library’s server.
Contact : olesea.dubois@sciencespo.fr