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Research data management

(credits: tomertu/Shutterstock)

How do I manage the data produced and collected in the course of a research project? Which license should I disseminate my data under? What impact does the GDPR have on my data? How do I link my data to my publications? The library offers a range of services to help you manage your data. 

Section #deposer

Depositing data in a repository

Depositing research data in a repository (e.g., data.sciencespo) means they can be accessed, used, shared and preserved.

We can help you to give access, identify, select, prepare, organise, adapt, and contextualise your datasets, explain their relevance, promote your research, and link your publications and supporting data so that readers can delve deeper into the subject. 

This service is also available retroactively.

Section #diffuser

Disseminate and protect your data

Collecting, reusing, processing, analysing, preserving, storing, archiving, protecting and disseminating data in a FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) way is great. But how? 

In constant contact with Sciences Po experts and in the form of a one-stop shop, we can answer your legal questions (copyright, distribution licenses, personal data, academic integrity, digital and database law, etc.) and technical questions (metadata, formats, naming, tree structure, infrastructure, long-term digital archiving, cross-referencing, data mining, and data visualisation). 

We can assist you in French or English, observe and participate in your projects, and train you in collaboration with your laboratory staff on these issues.

Section #publier

Publish a data paper

A data paper is a peer-reviewed scholarly article whose primary purpose is to describe a dataset. This publication format serves to increase the value and impact of datasets while making them citable, and facilitates their reuse. It contributes to research reproducibility.

Where do I publish a data paper? Which journals allow the publication of this type of article? How do I publish a data paper? What style, structure, and models should I follow?

We offer advice and support on these questions.

Section #rediger

Write a data management plan (DMP)

A Data Management Plan (DMP), is a formalised document that helps to organise and anticipate all the tasks involved in managing the data produced in the course of a research project.  

We offer a full range of services to suit your needs: writing and editorial assistance, tips, data interviews, support for your laboratory staff, etc.

A DMP is more than just a funder requirement. There are many benefits to effectively anticipating and managing the resources and risks related to research data, and we can help you get the most out of this planning tool.