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Subject librarians

Our subject librarians are here to help you. You are welcome to contact them by email but you can also read their guides. These subject guides provide the librarians’ insights into a discipline or a central theme at Sciences Po and are regularly updated with a wealth of information (news, new releases, essential resources, methodology, etc.).

(crédits : Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po)

Pascal Laffitte

Law librarian

Access to his guide



(crédits : Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po)

Claire Dive

Economics librarian

Access to her guide


(crédits : Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po)

Muriel Dennefeld

History librarian

Access to her guide


(crédits : Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po)

Anna Couthures Idrizi

Humanities librarian

Access to her guide


(crédits : Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po)

Isabelle Blanchemaison-Karanov

United Nations librarian

Access to her guide


(crédits : Caroline Maufroid)

Michaël Goudoux

Political science librarian

Access to his guide


(crédits : Caroline Maufroid / Sciences Po)

Natalia La Valle Torres

Sociology librarian

Access to her guide