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How to deposit data

A data centre is dependent on the surveys that you want to make available. CDSP can help to ensure that your data are documented, protected and disseminated.

To do this, CDSP offers the document and make your data available in accordance with FAIR principles *.

The 4 principles of Fair data  (credits: CC BY-SA 4.0 / By SangyaPundir, via Wikimedia Commons)

L’utilisation secondaire de vos données est encadrée par l’acceptation des Conditions générales engageant les utilisateurs secondaires à respecter l’intégrité, la citation des données et l’anonymat des répondants. Les données déposées au CDSP sont traitées, documentées et diffusées conformément aux réglementations nationales, aux bonnes pratiques disciplinaires et métiers, aux standards internationaux d’échange des données (OAIS et DDI) et selon les principes FAIR.

How to propose data?

Step 1: contact CDSP

If you are interested in depositing data with CDSP, begin by contacting the relevant team members to discuss your project. These people will support you throughout the deposit process.

You can also tell CDSP about your survey using the intent form.

NB: CDSP accepts data from social science surveys that include documentation that is sufficiently rich to be reusable.

Step 2: the proposal form

After this first contact, you will be asked to complete a fact sheet describing your data in order to make a formal request.

Your contacts at CDSP can help you complete this document:

To help you:

Complete one proposal form per survey. Rename the file(s) including your name (e.g. Proposal_survey1_NAME). Then send it to your contact at CDSP.

Step 3: acceptance of your survey

Once you have completed your proposal form, your request will be examined by CDSP. You will receive an answer no more than three months after receipt of your proposal.

  • Your request is accepted: Once your survey has been accepted, you will be contacted again, asked to complete the letter of undertaking and offer support in the data transfer process.
  • Your request is not accepted: Our team guarantees to give you feedback and recommendations for a future deposit of data with CDSP or another datacentre.

Step 4: transfer of your data

To transfer your data, you have a choice of options. You can:

  • either use a secure file sharing platform;
  • or deposit them directly with CDSP.

NB: The digital file formats accepted for deposits with CDSP are listed below.

This list is not exclusive. If you are not sure or wish to deposit files in different formats, contact CDSP.







*.tiff, *.jpeg, *.png, *.svg

Microsoft Excel

*.xls, *.xlsx

Microsoft Word

*.doc, *.docx


*.mpeg1, *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mpeg2, *.mpeg3, *.mpeg4, *.mp2, *.mp3, *.mp4, *.m3u, *.m4u

Open Office Document

*.odt, *.calc





R script



*.sas, *.sas7bdat

SPSS data

*.sav, *.por

Stata data


Stata do file


Syntaxe SPSS





*.wav, *.wave

