Home>Coping with Covid-19 : first data released


Coping with Covid-19 : first data released

As soon as the French governement announced lockdown measures on March 16th, the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC) and the CDSP decided to study the impact of social distancing and lockdown measures through the prism of social inequalities. The project Coping with Covid-19 (CoCo), a regular survey program was set up to study changes in the population's practices and attitudes during this period of crisis. On the eve of a sixth survey wave, the CDSP is beginning to make the collected and documented data available

5 specific waves

Starting in April 2020, five survey waves were administered to the ELIPSS panel in order to cover different phases and aspects of the Covid-19 crisis and be compared with longitudinal data previously collected in the panel.

The first wave of the survey deals with material conditions of the lockdown. The second is dedicated mostly to prospects for deconfinement and intergenerational relations, particularly with cohabiting children. The third wave targets more specifically working conditions and social relations during the period, while the fourth and fifth take up questions of opinion, particularly centered around inequalities within French society.

Data publication

Six months after the beginning of the project "Coping with Covid-19", data for the first wave of the survey was made available to the public by the CDSP team.

Data for the following waves will be progressively made available to the academic audience, on a two week by survey schedule.

Publication of first results

The first waves of Coco allowed the publication of  Policy Briefs presenting first results based on this data.

These documents, freely accessible, cover the following themes:

ELIPSS' contribution

"Coping with Covid-19" relies strongly on data from the ELIPSS panel. This data was collected regularly from a representative sample of the population since 2012. A major aspect of Coco  to which ELIPSS answers was the need  for longitudinal data, to identify changes and evaluate the quarantine's impact on individual practices and attitudes.

From April to May 2020, five survey waves were administered to the ELIPSS panel under the project name "Coping with Covid-19", in order to monitor changes in social practices, household composition, life projects, mental health conditions or socio-political attitudes related to Covid-19 crisis and social distancing measures put in place by the government.