Home>CRONOS-2: the data from the 12-country panel are online


CRONOS-2: the data from the 12-country panel are online

CRONOS-2: the data from the 12-country panel are online

All the data from the harmonised CRONOS-2/Opinion Study online panel survey, conducted in 12 countries, are now publicly accessible on the ESS website.

The CROss-National Online Survey-2 (CRONOS-2) panel was run in 12 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK.

Respondents in the 10th iteration of the European Social Survey (2020-2022) in each of the 12 countries were asked to take part in a six-wave online panel.

The panel data

The CRONOS-2/Opinion Study panel consists of six waves of surveys conducted from November 2021 to March 2023 in the 12 survey countries (in Hungary, only waves 1 and 2 were completed):

  • waves 1, 2, 4 and 5 are cross-national; the questions were selected following an open competition,
  • waves 3 and 6 are country specific: the survey questions are set by the national ESS teams in each country.


This online panel was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research programme under subsidy agreement No. 871063.

It draws on the success of the pioneering CRONOS panel, implemented in three countries – Estonia, Great Britain and Slovenia – in 2016-18 as part of the SERISS project (subsidy agreement No. 654221).