Home>WPSS, a trusted infrastructure for the production of FAIR data


WPSS, a trusted infrastructure for the production of FAIR data

CDSP has developed a sample and survey management service (Web Panel Sample Service, WPSS) for the handling of large cross-national online surveys, Drawing on the expertise developed in the construction of the ELIPSS panel infrastructure.

The development of WPSS, funded by the SSHOC programme, is a joint venture with the European social survey (ESS ERIC) infrastructure.

Since September 2021, CDSP has been using WPSS in the CRONOS-2/ Opinion Study  project, an international web panel that runs alongside the ESS, which aims to study the effects of moving from a face-to-face method of data collection to online data collectio

Results after 16 months of intensive use

  • 12 participating countries, 15 different languages
  • a total sample of 10,725 European citizens
  • 7 waves of cross-national surveys, 2 waves of national surveys in 8 countries,
  • 109,500 Emails and 38,700 messages sent to participants in the survey, with an individual link giving direct access to the survey,
  • 244 query tickets issued by the national coordinators

The SSHOC and SU5TAIN-2 projects are funded by the  European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, respectively under agreement No. 823782. (H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018 - No. 823782) and agreement No. 871063 (H2020-03-2019-2020 - No. 871063).