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Parisian “Climate Policies” panel

The objective of the Parisian “Public Policies and Climate Change” panel is to understand public perceptions of the climate change policies implemented by the City of Paris. It is led by CDSP in collaboration with the ESS research infrastructure (ESS ERIC).

An accurate gauge of the attitudes and opinions of Paris residents

CDSP is involved on account of its expertise in measuring public opinion. Its role is to analyse the behaviour of the inhabitants of the city of Paris in response to changes in climate policies, as well as their support for efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The attitudes of the respondents and their individual efforts with respect to the environment will also be measured.

The survey is taking place in three waves between April 2023 and September 2024, with an initial panel of 2500 people randomly selected for the project. The participants are asked to respond to an online questionnaire. The survey is also being conducted in the city of Munich by GESIS, which will make it possible to link the findings with the specificity of the distinct urban environments and to adopt a comparative perspective. The longitudinal aspect will also make it possible to measure any changes in opinion over time. CDSP is responsible for setting up and tracking the panel.

The social sciences lending a hand to research on climate change

The survey conducted by CDSP with Parisians is part of a larger scale research project called PAUL (Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes). This interdisciplinary project combines the life sciences (including the environmental and atmospheric sciences) and the social sciences. It is a Europewide project with participation from 38 partner universities and research centres. Its goal is to develop observatories and innovative technologies for measuring greenhouse gases in cities.

Global greenhouse gas emissions have been increasing steadily since the 1950s. The urban environments characteristic of the world’s big cities are major sources of emissions. The data collected for the PAUL project will be used to feed into different scientific models and to test the feasibility of different modelling approaches in the fight against global heating. In addition, the project has an institutional dimension. As part of the European Green Deal, its aim is to help the cities concerned to achieve their climate action goals (notably with respect to the Paris Agreement) and to implement the public policies that will make this possible.

The Parisian panel conducted by CDSP therefore brings a social science dimension to the PAUL project by including measurements of individual attitudes to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Funding and partnerships

The PAUL project is coordinated by the Integrated Carbon Observation System European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ICOS) and undertaken in partnership with the ESS research programme. It is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under agreement No. 101037319 (H2020-LC-GD-2020).