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Among its activities, CDSP has developed relations with a variety of national and international partners.
CDSP in the Sciences Po ecosystem
CDSP is a key player in the construction of open science policy, in methodological development, and in the building of service platforms for Sciences Po. CDSP thus works closely with DRIS (the Resources and Scientific Information Directorate) on the implementation of the institutional data dissemination platform data.sciencespo, a project managed by CDSP. Here, as in many other cases, the project was made possible through a close partnership with the DSI (Information Systems Directorate).
CDSP also conducts specific surveys with current and former Sciences Po students, with the Research Training Department, and with the Graduate School. For example, CDSP collects data on the recruitment of young graduates, with a specific survey on young PhD holders, but also on Sciences Po’s Educational Barometer.
CDSP also contributes to numerous training events and participates in the different networks on methods and data at Sciences Po: data Team, Metsem, Metat, Soufflerie, Alliance Civica, the research data committee….
Working with Sciences Po’s Data Protection Officer and Scientific Integrity Officer, CDSP supports the institution’s academic community in handling research-related ethical risks through awareness-raising and training sessions.
National and European Research Infrastructures
CDSP works closely with the national research infrastructures, in particular the Progedo research infrastructure, in drawing up the national roadmap for research infrastructures. As a long-standing partner of the QueteIet-Progedo-Diffusion data dissemination platform, CSDP’s contribution consists in the implementation of big national and international survey projects (ESS, ISSP, National Electoral Surveys...). CDSP also hosts a university data platform, the local component of Progedo’s activity.
At European level, CDSP is a partner in ESS-ERIC (European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium). With its long history of participation in European social surveys, CDSP has led the implementation of French survey activity since the survey’s fifth wave. Drawing on this long-standing relationship, CDSP has worked in partnership with ESS ERIC on several European projects (SSHOC, ESS-Sustain-2, PAUL) and takes part in multiple activities with ESS: experiments on cognitive tests, participation in ESS structures, organisation of different events around ESS.
CDSP is also involved in the development of the European data archive infrastructure CESSDA, for example through its participation in the working group responsible for the translation of controlled vocabularies.
Research labs
Beyond multiple targeted operations associated with its different service offerings, CDSP has developed close relations with several research centres around long-term projects or specific topics. CSDP collaborates with INED and its surveys and polling department on issues of data availability. CDSP is also the primary disseminator of surveys undertaken by CEVIPOF, the partner of OSC (now CRIS) in the CoCo project concerning the experience of lockdown during the Covid pandemic, a partner of CEE within OIE and of the FAIRETHMIGQUANT project. It also enjoys a special relationship with the Pacte laboratory, cradle of CDSP’s precursor, the Computerised Sociopolitical Data Bank. In particular, CDSP has for several years conducted the ISSP survey for Pacte.
Social and economic actors
Kantar and CDSP are the only two institutions in France that use probability panels drawn from the general population. Drawing on these two platforms, our two institutions have decided to form a strategic partnership with the aim of sharing our expertise and collaborating around the probability panel as a topic of research.
Professional networks and organisations
CDSP is a member of the non-profit organisation DDI Alliance, as well as the international working group DDI Training. In this capacity, it is involved in the organisation of training courses on this data exploitation standard. In addition, CDSP is a member of the Program Committee for the EDDI international conference, the body responsible for setting up calls for papers and selecting papers for that event.
CDSP is also a member of the Global Dataverse Community Consortium (GDCC), which coordinates and supports the efforts of the community of users of the Dataverse open-source data repository maintained by Harvard University’s lnstitute for Quantitative Social Sciences.
CDSP is also an active participant in the MATE-SHS network, in particular the “open research data” working group. It also participates in the URFIST Network via the scientific committee of the GIS which is linked to it.