Home>Research>Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa
Bettering Entrepreneurial Training in Africa
Leveraging an extensive network of alumni who have become entrepreneurs on the African continent or work in institutions shaping the future of entrepreneurship in Africa, and in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, the Center for Entrepreneurship is undertaking research to address two key questions: Is Sciences Po's entrepreneurship program designed to meet African challenges? What are the areas for improvement to enable scholars to become change-makers on the African continent?
Beyond enhancing the entrepreneurial offerings at Sciences Po, this research project also aims to contribute to better tailoring entrepreneurial curricula within other partner universities of the Mastercard Foundation. This project is conducted in collaboration with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), which has been nurturing a new generation of promising African scientists since 2003.
To learn more about the program established by Sciences Po in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation, please visit the Mastercard Foundation Scholarships page.
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Any questions? Contact us at centre.entrepreneuriat@sciencespo.fr.