PhDs from the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) find positions in academia – in France, in Europe and beyond – as well as in public administrations or in the consultancy business. Find out the positions held by our alumni.
- Zoé EVRARD is a researcher at the Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques (CRISP), in Belgium.
- Émilien HOUARD-VIAL is a teaching and research adjunct at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Pablo CUSSAC is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lille, as part of the UNERGY project, and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Angeliki KONSTANTINIDOU is the Junior Network Officer of IMISCOE Research Network, assistant of the project AccessIN and lecturer at the University of Liège (Belgium).
- Mattia LUPI is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bologna (Italy).
- Paulus WAGNER is currently a Max Weber Post-doctoral Fellow at EUI (Italy), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Weiting CHAO is currently Senior Specialist & Projet Manager at Prologium Innovation, and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Andreas EISL is currently a Research Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute (France) and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Arnault BARICHELLA is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at Université Paris-Saclay (France), working on the 'New Energy Sustainable Mobilities' (NESMO) project, and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Read an interview - Aifang MA is currently a Boya Post-doctoral Fellow at Peking University (China), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Read her statement [in French] - Denys GORBACH is a postdoctoral fellow at Lund University (Sweden) and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Roberto RODRIGUEZ is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Sciences Po's Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Clément CLARET is a senior English teacher (professeur agrégé).
- Bilal HASSAN is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Bergen (Norway).
- Florence ECORMIER-NOCCA is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Vienna (Austria).
Listen to her as she talks about her experience [in French] - George GEORGARAKIS is currently a Moritz Schlick Postdoc Fellow at the University of Vienna (Austria) and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Apolline TAILLANDIER is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Cambridge, POLIS Department (UK) and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Elena ESCALANTE-BLOCK is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Antwerp (Belgium).
- Amélie CORBEL is currently a Contract Lecturer at Dokyyō University (Japan).
- Emeline FOURMENT is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at the University of Rouen Normandie (France), and Associate Researcher with the Chair of the History of Knowledge at the University of Konstanz (Germany).
- Tiago MOREIRA RAMALHO is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at Cevipol, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).
- Blandine MESNEL is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, CERSA laboratory (France).
Watch an interview [in French] - Anja DUROVIC is currently a CNRS Post-doctoral Fellow at Printemps laboratory (France), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Watch an interview [in French] - Ruggero-Carlo GAMBACURTA-SCOPELLO is currently an external consultant for World Bank.
- Sofia WICKBERG is currently an Assistant Professor (tenured) at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Listen to her as she talks about her experience [in French] - Mickaël DURAND is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at INED (the French Institute for Demographic Studies).
- Léa MORABITO is currently a Senior Consultant at Kimso.
Watch an interview [in French] - Elodie DRUEZ is currently a Post-doctoral Fellow at Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
- Zhuangzhuang WANG is currently a Lecturer at Beijing Foreign Studies University (China).
- Abdelkarim AMENGAY is currently an Assistant Professor at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies (Qatar).
Read an interview [in French] - Francesco FINDEISEN is currently a Policy Fellow at Hertie School (Germany).
- Mélodie BEAUJEU is currently a Freelance Consultant specialised in international migrations, Fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations (French Collaborative Institute on Migration).
- Alessandro MAGGIONI is currently a Bid & Project Officer at Oxford Policy Management.
Read his statement [in French] - Malgorzata RADOMSKA is currently the Head of the Department of Responsible Management and Leadership at the University of Winchester (UK).
Guillaume LADMIRAL est actuellement chercheur à la Maison franco-japonaise (Tokyo) et chargé de cours à l'université de Kyoto et à Shiga University of Medical Science (Japon).
- Mirjam DAGEFÖRDE is currently an Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at the American University of Paris.
- Alban DAVESNE is currently a Researcher at OsloMet (Norway).
- Angela TACEA is currently an Associate Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte laboratory (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Marine BOURGEOIS is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte laboratory (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Camille ALLÉ is currently a Consultant and Researcher at the Phare agency (France) and Associate Researcher with the CEE. (She was previously unit manager at Paris City Council).
Read her statement [in French]
- Antoine COURMONT is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Université Gustave Eiffel, LATTS laboratory (France).
Read his statement [in French] - Lucas GUFFANTI is currently a Civil Servant at the French Ministry of the Interior (Home Office).
- Clément BOISSEUIL is currently Project Manager at the Atelier parisien d'urbanisme APUR (France),
and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Read his statement [in French] - Catherine CAVALLIN is currently a CNRS Research Fellow (tenured) at IRISSO laboratory (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Manon REGUER-PETIT is currently the Scientific Director of the Phare agency (France).
- Lisa KASTNER is currently an Adviser on Policy Strategy at BusinessEurope.
- Adina CRISAN REVOL is currently the spokesperson for European Commission in France.
Read her statement [in French] - Tom CHEVALIER is currently a CNRS Research Fellow (tenured) at Arenes laboratory (France), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Read his statement [in French] - Antoine MANDRET is currently a Consultant in territorial engineering and a Lecturer at Sciences Po Toulouse (France).
- Vlad GROSS is currently a Data Analyst at BMG - The New Music Company.
- Filip KOSTELKA currently holds the "Political and Social Change" Chair at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (Italy), on leave from the University of Essex (UK) where he is an Associate Professor, and he is an Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Read his statement - Olga ALINDA SPAISER is currently a Project Manager for the German Biosecurity Programme at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the German Agency for International Cooperation (Germany).
Read her statement [in French] - Thomas AGUILERA is currently a Lecture / Associate Professor at Sciences Po Rennes, Arenes laboratory (France), and Associate Researcher with the CEE.
Read his statement [in French]
- Francesca ARTIOLI is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Université Paris Est Créteil / Ecole d’urbanisme de Paris, and member of the Lab’Urba (France).
- Nuria GARCIA is a Civil Servant at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Luxembourg : she is currently actuellement Advisor for Human Rights at the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the UN in Geneva.
- Antoine JARDIN is currently a CNRS Research Engineer at CESDIP laboratory (France).
- Teona GIUASHVILI is currently Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Georgia to France and Monaco.
- Federica INFANTINO is currently Lecturer / Associate Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and FNRS Research Fellow (Belgium).
Read her statement [in French] - Simon PERSICO is currently Full Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte laboratory (France).
Read his statement [in French] - Nicole DE PAULA DOMINGOS is currently a Senior Expert for FAO and a Researcher at the University of São Paulo (Brazil).
- Marion A. CHARPENEL is currently Lecturer / Associate Professor at the University of Rouen Normandie (France).
- Ali Ihsan AYDIN is currently Editor-in-chief of Digital Platforms at Euronews (France).
Read his statement - Nicolas LERON is currently Deputy General Secretary at the Institut François Mitterrand and Associate Researcher with CEVIPOF and OFCE at Sciences Po (France).
Read his statement [in French] - Nordine KIRECHE is currently the Director of the Executive Master "Sustainable Real Estate Strategy and Finance" at Sciences Po (France).
- Seock-Jun YOON is an Assistant Professor at Sungkonghoe University (Seoul, South Korea)
- Sara L. CASELLA COLOMBEAU is currently Lecturer / Associate Professor at the Université Grenoble Alpes (France).
- Hélène F. CAUNE is currently Lecturer / Associate Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte laboratory (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Nora EL QADIM is currently Lecturer / Associate Professor at Paris 8 University, Cresppa laboratory (France).
- Clément M. VIKTOROVITCH is currently a political commentator for several TV programmes and a Lecturer at Sciences Po (France).
- Charlotte E. DOLEZ is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Sciences Po Lyon, Triangle laboratory (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Caroline D. JOCHAUD DU PLESSIX is currently a Lecturer at the University of Toronto, Munk School of Global Affairs (Canada).
- Pauline PRAT is currently a Technical Advisor at the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region (France).
- Florent GOUGOU is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Sciences Po Grenoble, Pacte laboratory (France).
Read his statement [in French] - Natacha GALLY is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, CERSA laboratory (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Gabriela A. CORTE-REAL PINTO is currently a Contract Lecturer at Galatasaray University (Turkey).
- Louise-Amélie LARTIGOT HERVIER is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at UVSQ-Université Paris-Saclay, CESDIP laboratory (France).
- Katharine Z. THROSSELL currently works as a Freelance Translator, specialised in social science.
Read her statement [in French]
- Clémence A. LEDOUX is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Nantes Université (France).
Read her statement [in French] - Selma BENDJABALLAH is currently a Research Engineer at CDSP laboratory.
- Sébastien PRADELLA is a research director at and currently heads the Centre d'études en habitat durable de Wallonie ("Centre for Sustainable Housing Studies") (Belgium).
- Catherine M. HOEFFLER is currently a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence (Italy), on leave from Sciences Po Bordeaux (France) where she is an Associate Professor.
- Christine NORMANN is currently an Officer for Research Planning and Evaluation at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB, Berlin Social Science Center, Germany).
- Francesco MARCHI is currently head of the negociation expertise at the consultancy firm AlterNego (France).
- Soline C. LAPLANCHE SERVIGNE is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Université Côte d'Azur (France).
- Aurélien A. EVRARD is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Nantes Université (France).
Read his statement [in French] - Thibault R. BOSSY is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at the University of Bordeaux, working at the Centre Emile Durkheim (France).
Read his statement [in French] - Géraldine C. BOZEC is currently a Lecturer / Associate Professor at Université Côte d'Azur (France).
- Claire S. DUPUY is currently a Full Professor at UC Louvain (Belgium).
- Virginie VAN INGELGOM is currently a Full Professor at UC Louvain (Belgium)
Read her statement [in French] - Simone G. WESKE is currently a Senior Scientific Officer at the Project Management Agency of DLR, the German Space Agency.
Last updated in March 2025
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Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 83 52
Email: contact.cee@sciencespo.fr