The EvalEU project aims to assess the capacity of the European Union to effectively implement ambitious environmental policies.
Led by Matthias Thiemann, it is funded by CIVICA Research for a period of two years (2022.11.01-2023.10.31).
With the Green Deal, the European Union has embarked on a mission to achieve the world's fastest transition to a low-carbon green economy. This goal requires a paradigmatic shift in the function of its economy and significant socio-economic strain. It also depends on upgrading the EU's institutional capacity to assess and monitor policy implementation.
To what extent can the policy targets be achieved under current conditions? What changes would be required? To understand this, we need to assess how successfully the EU has so far achieved the objectives set in previously adopted environmental policies. Currently, there is no systematic evaluation nor a theoretical framework for understanding how the EU approaches the process of designing its environmental policy and designs its instruments of policy implementation.
This project is developing the first steps towards such a framework through a structured literature review, focusing in particular on the use of funds to upgrade Member States’ capacity. A conference will also be organised with specialists from the CIVICA network.
Matthias THIEMANN, Associate Professor, Sciences Po, CEE
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