Home>Events>Social Sciences in question: The leading epistemological and methodological controversies of our time
Social Sciences in question: The leading epistemological and methodological controversies of our time
In partnership with the CERI
This seminar is focused on methods in social sciences. They found the validity of our research and of our findings. Yet they are rarely explicitely stated, few are the occasions to discuss them, and France in this respect seems often disconnected from the often heated debates they spark in universities abroad. The objective of this joint CEE - CERI seminar is to provide junior and senior researchers with a place to meet and exchange on these issues. A place where one can compare our research questions, our fieldwork, the concrete problems we encounter and the way to address them- in a nutschell, our methodological recipes- in the light of today’s major epistemological controversies.
- Quels indicateurs pour mesurer le sexisme ?, Anja Durovic (Sciences Po Bordeaux-CED), le 17 avril 2023
- “The political impact of minority-religion symbols in the public space”, Pazit Ben Nun Bloom (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), 6th March 2023
- “Advantages and limitations of panel surveys”, Paul Marx (University of Duisburg-Essen), 13th February 2023
- Comment évaluer les politiques de mémoire ? La Shoah comme étude de cas, Sarah Gensburger (CNRS, ISP) et Sandrine Lefranc (Sciences Po, CEE, CNRS), 12 décembre 2022
- Enquêter à la « Mondaine », Gwénaëlle Mainsant, IRISSO, Université Paris Dauphine, CNRS, le 24 octobre 2022
- How reliable and how valid are expert surveys? with Jan Rovny, Sciences Po, CEE, LIEPP, le 20 septembre 2022
- Quelles sources pour travailler sur la violence djihadiste ? avec Xavier Crettiez (Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, CESDIP), 11 avril 2022
- Comment enquêter sur les abus sexuels ? avec Nathalie Bajos (Inserm/EHESS),14 mars 2022
- Comment mesurer l’antisémitisme sur les réseaux sociaux ? avec Dominique Cardon, directeur du Medialab de Sciences Po, 15 novembre 2021
- Peut-on se fier aux enquêtes en ligne ? avec Sandra Hoibian directrice du pôle Société au CREDOC, 4 octobre 2021
- Previous years' seminars
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Address: 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris
Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 83 52
Email: contact.cee@sciencespo.fr