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The researcher from the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics spent 6 days in Italy to present his book and his work, thanks to our European alliance, CIVICA.
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Does President Trump's second term open the door to elites who can operate without concern for justice and truth? An analysis by the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics.
A political economist, Zsófia Barta joined Sciences Po and the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics in December. She tells us about her research on the politics of public debt in prosperous countries.
Congratulations to Pablo Cussac, Zoé Evrard and Emilien Houard-Vial who recently defended their PhD thesis.
Has 7 October reshaped the complex and ambivalent interactions between the two communities? Findings from a research project across six major cities, with Nonna Mayer from our Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics.
Symbols are everywhere in politics. This book shows how they play an important role in the policy process. Free access until end of 2024.
Virality and democracy, the politicisation of news stories, IA and universities: read the second issue.
Drawing on a wealth of original data about 10 far-right movement parties accross the EU, the book explores a new phase of nativist mobilization.
8 new PhD students joined the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Poltiics in 2024
Graduate from the Governing Ecological Transition in Cities Master's programme, research track
In her PhD thesis in political science, she examined EU Member States’ engagement with the social protection of their nationals abroad.
His PhD thesis in political science offers a critical reassessment of conventional views on central bank independence, through a detailed study of the Bank of Italy.
A feminist anthropologist, she tells us about her teaching and research on gender inequalities and sexual violence.
Reveals the scars of the post-Soviet Russia decades through an unusual lens: its criminal history.
Provides a novel theoretical argument about the potentially positive role of mobilized ethnic minorities in politics.
1,200 experts to combine urban planning and social sciences for a fair and sustainable future: a look back at the 36th Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning.
Recruitment 2024 /2025 - Sciences Po is recruiting two Assistant Professors (tenure track) in political science / Politics and policy in/of Europe and the European Union
Marco Cremaschi offers his perspective on what it means to be a genuine "game-changer" in sustainable urban development and the significance of hosting the 36th AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning) congress in Paris.
Social and environmental justice in urban planning: learn more about the upcoming scientific congress of the European urban planning schools association, hosted by Sciences Po's Urban School and CEE.
A two-part conference to take stock of the efforts to advance the European Green Deal and raise current and future challenges.
Florence Haegel, Professor of political science at the CEE, succeeds Eberhard Kienle as Chair of Sciences Po’s Academic Board.
Congratulations to the CEE Professor of sociology, recipient of the 2024 Sellin-Glueck Award.
Interview with Matthias Thiemann, whose latest book investigates how central bankers in the UK, the USA and the Eurozone sought to tame the cycles of finance.